Casa de TrailMyx > Programming / Operating Systems

Has anyone upgraded to Windows 8 yet?

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--- Quote from: Masscre on June 30, 2013, 05:04:18 AM ---Ok. I just made the plunge into a new system that Had Win8 included. I am using it. It has a [size=350pt]BIG[/size] learning Curve. I mean BIG. But anyways I am running as Admin but can not get EasyUO to see my Client. Anyone run into this? Help?

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I've had a similar issue with Win8.1 and curious if anyone has any help...Lost my big bad gaming machine due to a drop of water (literally a single freaking drop!) and since I'm not a builder or programer I'm pretty much stuck with whatever I can afford from Dell, this time some crappy little tower with just enough umph to run my household programs as well as 1 or 2 selected games so as to keep me from going completely insane and turning into some Facebook game junky like my wife. To add insult to injury, I had to go with the cheaper tower which had 8.1 since they're charging more for anything with 7 now.
After a lot of cussing and swearing, googling, trial and error, questions here and there, I was finally able to get UO to run, yay! Fired up Easy UO and hopped on my miner, my favorite script being Cyberpopes Mining radar. As I'm not to the level of script writing to combine all my scripts I have a total of 4 that I beetle smelter, my blackrock dropper and my ingot/gem organizer along with the radar. The only one that will not work is the Mining Radar. It will run but I do not get the window with the mining "squares". Any Windows 8.1 experts who ran into this and were able to fix it due to their immense programing prowess?

Windows 8.1
Running most recent version of EasyUO compatible with current patch
Ran as Admin initially, everything but Radar works
Tried also compatibility mode for XP and 7
Ran above directly from the installed file as well as from the desktop shortcut (yeah, sounds dumb but was grasping at straws)



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