Casa de TrailMyx > .NET Programming


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Who are all the c# programmers here?  I'm having a lot of fun in visual studio 2010.  Damn they made it easy.  A trained monkey could probly get an 80k job doing this...  Designing menus in 2010 is a breeze...  And the damn thing nearly codes everything you need itself.  Crazy.  Who's got the coolest free c# code repository websites bookmarked? :)

I'd start here if you haven't already been here.

and then look here


--- Quote from: gimlet on March 18, 2011, 06:05:39 AM ---I'd start here if you haven't already been here.

and then look here

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Ohhh that first one is very nice. :)  Thanks.

That's also why I really loved the UOMachine project.  Too bad Xenoglyph has disappeared.  His project was really darn cool!!!

All the power of a client interface wrapped with all the power of .NET Forms!  That's just sexy.

Actually, if you follow the work of BTBN at EasyUO, he's done some interfacing between C# and OpenEUO.

If his editor did reflection/autocompletion, would have never started using LuaEUO.  But it was hard to script/debug without being able to have autocompletion from assemblies.


--- Quote from: TrailMyx on March 18, 2011, 11:59:10 AM ---That's also why I really loved the UOMachine project.  Too bad Xenoglyph has disappeared.  His project was really darn cool!!!

All the power of a client interface wrapped with all the power of .NET Forms!  That's just sexy.

Actually, if you follow the work of BTBN at EasyUO, he's done some interfacing between C# and OpenEUO.

If his editor did reflection/autocompletion, would have never started using LuaEUO.  But it was hard to script/debug without being able to have autocompletion from assemblies.

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I seriously like typing one or two letters and hitting tab. :)  It's shorthand on crack!


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