Casa de TrailMyx > Programming / Operating Systems

Which Operating System To Use


I have decided to reformat my hard drive and start from scratch. My machine is a Dell XPS quad core and I need some advice on what operating system to install. It is currently running 32 bit XP. I have copies of 32 and 64 bit XP and 32 and 64 bit Windows 7. The machine is mainly used for games and Microsoft office and visual studio 2010.

So what do you guys think?

I've had Win7 for a few months now and really like it. The transition from WinXP was really smooth, not too much of a learning curve for me.

I still hate saying that I like Win7, especially after the Vista debacle.  But I have 4 systems running some version of Win7 or another.  It's equally balanced with Fedora 14.  If it wasn't for Win7, I would be completely into Fedora except for my gaming system.  My normal day-to-day is still controlled by Linux, tho.  But since you are going to be doing Visual Studio 2010, you need a Microsoft joint.  Mono just isn't really an option for Linux .NET.


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