Casa de TrailMyx > Programming / Operating Systems

Ok, so I'm basing my new system on Windows 7 - pray for me...

(1/5) > >>

Yes, it's amazing, but I'm taking a jump of faith....

i heard they made windows 7 everything vista was supposed to be... glad to see they finally got something right... now if only they offer a free or inexpensive upgrade for us vista users

I've been playing with the beta for the past couple of weeks and so far I like it.  I am running 64bit Ultimate Beta.

awesome, I downloaded the beta, but haven't installed it yet.. think I should? or wait for a release.

The beta is worth messing with though I haven't jumped into using on my everyday computer simply because there is some driver bugginess still that is out there.  As for a release candidate many of the rumors flying around is we could see it as early as late spring.


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