Casa de TrailMyx > Wii

Reviews and stuff... read me first

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I'm just putting these in here in case someone might be looking to get a new game. These reviews I'm putting up are from personal experience.

I'd like to keep them going. But I think we need some type of rating system, and a few areas that need to be covered when reviewing.

Like: I'd like each review to include what age group the game would be best suited for. Maybe we can include that in the title, so if someone is looking for a game for a 14 yr old nephew, they can quickly check the title.

All reviews should be personal experience and not just regurgitated from some other site.

And anyone who has a game thats reviewed PLEASE speak up in a reply!! The more opinions we have on a game the better it is for anyone considering one.

Lets use this post to talk about rating scales and such.... I don't want to use a,b,c,d,f scale or the 100% scale. A simple 10 or 5 or even 3 point scale is best.

The ratings must include - at the extremes - Not Recommended and Must Have... so if we use a scale of 5

1 - Not Recommended
2 - Not all that good
3 - It's ok, nothing special
4 - Good game
5 - Must have this in your gaming library

We need enough of a scale to give raters room to rate, and so all games don't wind up with the same rating.

1 - Not Recommended
2 - Tie it to a tree to keep crows away from the garden
3 - Use it as a coaster
4 - Filler so the other games don't fall over on the shelf
5 - It's OK
6 - ????
7 - ????
8 - Gift material for someone you like
9 - In the console when the party starts
10 - MUST have this one.

Anyways... you gets the idea....

OMG do you work in a video game store? or did you buy all of these games?

Cerveza = Wii Slut!

I've owned a wii since the day it was released (US version) and I don't even have that many games.

Mostly rentals. Use em for a few days to decide if we're going to buy.


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