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Topics - pwner

Pages: [1]
Scripting Chat / Heartwood quester!
« on: February 23, 2010, 06:20:39 PM »
I found a heartwood quester with a few errors and I'm here to ask you guys to try to repair this!

The Turbo Quester Bowcrafter can recall to Heartwood and walk alone to the npc, accept the right quest (Lethal Darts) and toggle the quest item! But in the time to accept the reward, he press CONTINUE but dont press ACCEPT, stopping in this reward gump \=.

If you press the accept , he keeps doing the quest, until the reward gump comes!

When you receive a Reward bag, he keeps opening and closing this and dont continue anymore.

If anyone can help me, please do this!

ps.: sorry the english errors and I play at a FREESHARD, so the farming isn't so illegal :D

New member introductions / Hi friends, im new!
« on: January 31, 2010, 01:17:29 PM »
Hi, my name is Daniel and im entering the scriptuo Community.. Im a Student and only play UO in the Vacation. Ultima Online is the only game that i Really like.  :D

I'm playing at the Illusions Shard, a brazillian freeshard, But i was a Sphere Emulator player for a long time... A month ago, one friend of mine invited me for the RunUO World, and here I am.

I like to play as Chival Archer and mage warrior.

Don't speak english very well, but I will try to help you guys the max I can :)


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