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Messages - Umi

Pages: [1]
UO Client Modifications/Tools / Re: neo's uop2mul converter
« on: February 07, 2014, 05:24:59 PM »
Thank you Neo for this awesome program!  I can mine again, woohoo!  Also just fyi for anyone else that uses this, I thought maybe I had to delete the old files but I just copied these files straight into the directory without deleting anything and it worked just fine. 

Gold Farming / Re: crameeps - AutoKill Script
« on: July 08, 2011, 07:57:54 AM »
Just Dl'd the script but have to wait for EUO to be updated before I can give it a whirl :(  I will update once it's back up.

New member introductions / Re: ALL HAIL!!!
« on: July 06, 2011, 10:33:19 AM »
I would like to first state that my favorite color is blue and I really, really enjoy long walks on the beach......Not really :/  I have been playing UO for 12 years off and on and while I have ventured to other games such as EQ2, WoW, DAoC, and about 13 other fail games, I can't seem to find what UO use to be. 

I still remember setting up my little tent and feeling like I was part of the landscape as silly as that may sound.  In UO I feel like I'm part of a world that I in some part help make over the years.  That is probably why I have never felt at home in other games. 

Over the past 4-5 years there has been a steady decline in memberships in UO and I'm of the opinion that it's because we have lost the sence of community that we use to have.  I originally left because all my friends had left for other games.  Since my latest return to the game I have noticed alot of the old players have been returning to the game which gives me hope. 

My appologies for 0 personal information about myself but I'm not going to share where I live or my real name with a forum full of people that I can't talk to or meet face to face. 

That being said I will happily post on the boards and help any members that are on Cats shard in any way that I am able. 

New member introductions / ALL HAIL!!!
« on: July 05, 2011, 09:21:27 AM »
Hi guys, long time UO player deciding to come back :)  I didn't find what I needed on Easyuo so I came here and sure enough my script is here hehe.  Great site and keep up the good work ;)

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