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Messages - wraith

Pages: [1]
New member introductions / Intorduction
« on: January 28, 2018, 06:15:59 AM »
Hi all!

My name is Wraith, and I have always loved Ultima Online! I have played it since my first child was born having the occasional break to also have a real life.  I am currently 40+ years old, and I work as an IT Manager for a large accountancy firm.  I have played MMO's since the beginning of Ultima, and have now made another return to the game. 

I started playing UO about 6 months after the game came, my original characters were a mule and a peace mage, where I would spend hours mining and provoking ogre lords in despise to kill each other.  After a year or so I started playing more as a pvper although I was never that good.

I am now back again and trying to use some of my old scripts for Bods etc and I have rewritten some so they work with all the changes that have been made in the game.  I am hoping to have a look around and look at making some new or writing more old scripts to make my life in the game a little easier.

Many Thanks.

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