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Topics - easyrider

Pages: [1]
General UO Chat / Tameable Bane Dragons
« on: June 14, 2010, 04:41:11 PM »
I dont know if anyone has seen this or not over on Stratics, but I wanted to post this up here. One of my guildies was showing me a link on stratics about these new swamp dragons that can do the same breath technique as dread mares, but also poison. They are just on the Test Center and it's not sure if they will go to Prod or not, but I found it interesting. I will include the link, but if you would rather, you can search for it on the boards.

New member introductions / Longtime UO player, new to SUO
« on: May 25, 2010, 05:41:48 PM »

Let me start by saying that I dont know why I used this screen name, but I guess that's part of it when you aren't creative. Now onto the part of my intro that you are dying to hear. I found ScriptUO looking for WinUO which I understand is no longer around. I have been playing UO on and off for the last 11 years. Probably more off than on. I have been pretty solid for the last two years and look to hang around as long as UO will have me. If you are affiliated with Mythic, UO, Origin, EA, or any party that does not approve of scripting, stop reading now. I play on Chessy. Pretty good shard of people, and has been my home since I started in 99. I have been scripting a bit here lately and am always looking for new scripts. I am in IT as a career, but dont let that fool you. I am horrible at programming and have failed miserably at writing scripts. I hope to be able to provide feedback of what I see, but as far as helping, I"m not sure if I will be able to do anything. So, if you guys will have me, here I am!

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