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Messages - Maelune

Pages: [1]
New member introductions / Re: Hiya!
« on: September 07, 2018, 08:16:15 PM »
Yay! Thank ya!  :o

New member introductions / Hiya!
« on: September 07, 2018, 01:41:07 PM »
I'm Maelune, or 'Mae' for short and I was just recently introduced to UOStealth which took me down the rabbit hole of finding ScriptUO. Been a casual UO player since 1997 - crazy to think that someone born when UO officially launched will be old enough to drink in the US in just 17 days from this post.

I'm a hobbyist coder who's worked in a whole mess of languages but am most comfortable in C++ and C#. Spent a good several years trying to develop my own indie games (with very little success, but at least I learned a lot). Currently looking to expand my knowledge of scripting/macroing for UO. So far I've kept pretty consistently to UOSteam, but find that it's not capable of doing everything that I want.

On a more personal note and in a speed dating format;
I've lived ALL over the continental US. The only states I haven't lived in are: Alaska, Hawaii, Iowa, Wisconsin, and Delaware! I don't really intend on changing that. I finally settled in the Pacific NW and find it to be the most beautiful place in the US (including Hawaii, which I've visited even if I haven't lived there!).

I hike pretty constantly and love exploring places that are green and/or full of waterfalls and massive trees.

I've taken entirely too many credits in college without ever achieving a degree due to consistent restrictions in most states requiring foreign language in order to graduate. Try as I might, I cannot seem to get a handle on any spoke language except English (If you can call what I have, "a handle"). My degree directions were always computer-focused or art-focused including CS, CIS, CE, Programming, Graphic Design, 2D Animation, and 2D Concept Art.

I own an unsuccessful business that mixes my artistic capabilities with a 40W laser engraver, allowing me to place my designs are pretty much anything softer than metal (Even rocks!). One of these days I'll find my market and make more money than I spend!

I have a cat that lives with me inside my bedroom named Moo, who's not allowed to leave my room because he likes to mark his territory if given free roam of the rest of the house.

I love experimenting in the kitchen and often times make strange combinations just to see if they work. I've yet to out-do my 13 year old self whom decided to dip a banana into cold marinara sauce. I still think it's great, but have never gotten another person to try it!

My conversational interests include: Gaming, theoretical sciences (futurology), politics, cooking, travel/exploration, philosophy (and pseudo-guru philosophy), and religion provided that the person I'm speaking to is open minded and not easily offended.

I have an abnormally sunny disposition and god-level patience. As a result I find my home squarely on the UOEvolution free shard as an Emissary of the NEW Player Guild. <3 You guys!

- Mae  8)

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