Been using this with a few tweaks for my freeshard that I'm playing on, and it's working great!
Even though s7's script changes gump sizes for freeshards, there's still a few tweaks needed to use this on freeshards.
In s7's script, in the makeanything sub, you have to change the category click offset from 70 to 50 and then it will make everything correctly. I also put in an additional waitsysvars for the craft gump after the "make last" function and in a few other places in case I'm lagging.
In your script, I had to manually change the gumps and the maketools sub to match the cat/sel for how my shard has the crafting set up. Also had to add KTL as the tinker tool to your script as that is the finditem id for tinker tools on my shard. And TLH is the smith hammer that I added in, too.
Once I got that all figured out, it works like a charm! Hope this helps anyone else who is trying to get it to work on freeshards! I realize you don't support freeshards, so I just thought I'd throw that out there in case some one needs it.
Oh, one more thing. You should really put a warning in there that you should start with nothing in your backpack that you don't want thrown away. Good thing I read through the scripts before I run them! teehee
10s all around.