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Messages - Twang

Pages: [1]
Beer / Bell's Two Hearted Ale
« on: March 07, 2014, 08:29:07 PM »

New member introductions / Hello!
« on: March 07, 2014, 11:36:36 AM »
My UO name is Twang, and I just started playing again after a ~5 year break.  I originally started on Christmas of 1997 playing on Chesapeake.  I have always been mostly interested in PVP, though was not very successful for the first few years.  After about a year break that spanned the release of Third Dawn, I met a friend at college that used to play as well and we both reactivated our accounts and dove back in.  From 2001 to 2009 I played religiously and ventured from Chesapeake to Lake Austin and then settled on Atlantic.  In 2009 I picked up and moved to a different state for work, bought a house; real life things :'(

As I said, I just reactivated my account (last weekend) and have been trying to get a handle on some of the changes.  I found my way here by reading some of the guides which are way more up-to-date than a lot of other sites.  Trying to figure out the new crafting systems and just barely scratching the surface of the new PVM systems and locations has had my head spinning.  I hope to be able to train up a couple of the newer skills with the help of this site and in turn provide some new or updated guidance for the topics I have mentioned.

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