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Messages - Vlek

Pages: 1 [2] 3
Could you tell me where that forum is? Also, could you PM me his ICQ? I wouldn't mind trying to talk to him. I was hoping there'd be a chat that I could get into and talk about this, but there isn't anything like that, is there?

Stealth archive / PartySay Error - Does not appropriately accept a string
« on: October 02, 2014, 12:28:35 PM »
Hello, I found a bug with PartySay. It appears that it doesn't accept strings well. A line of text causes it to not work without showing an error. A few words will cause asian characters to appear, and "1" will actually show up as "1" in a party message. It's really weird.

Stealth archive / Stealth Python Console
« on: September 28, 2014, 02:37:39 PM »
Hello, I'm trying to get a python console to work so that I can plug in code into it and have it being used in game. I believe this will be an invaluable tool in script creation. I have already tried using the code module, but that seems to be a bust. Is it possible, am I missing something?

Oooo, perfect. That's exactly what I was looking for. I was thinking I'd have to make my own event handler, but hopefully I can make a semi-veneer that'll make this easily callable for my statistical analysis module I'm trying to make. Thanks, man.

Stealth archive / Re: Stealth Python Reference
« on: August 23, 2014, 08:02:18 AM »
I really don't get why they'd choose to use pascal. The basic "stuffs" that are in a UO game, like items, mobiles, gumps, etc, are all objects that inherit from the basic "thing" or item class. It makes tons more damn sense to make classes and methods for them, and python is a very decent choice for doing so. Also, why would you have two of each function for player's/other mobile's status checks? Instead, why not have an IsPoisoned that defaults to the player when a serial isn't specified?

I'm currently working on converting the stealth semi-russian functions into intelligible classes with methods (going off of runuo internals to get as close to a server-side representation as possible) that more closely resemble the functionality and wordage of the built-in steam functions since they better fit with a western understanding of the words used for function names.

Thanks Boydon, I'll give that list a try and see if I can't finish this up.

I was reading through the wrapper, and you have an event persistence class that looks very, very intriguing. Is it possible to get a tut on how to use it? I am thinking about using something like that to do statistical data analysis.

Is it possible to use it to receive data such as damage (who damages who, the amount, etc), healing (same as damage), players showing up, players leaving, hiding, recall, etc, etc?

Stealth archive / Stealth Python Reference
« on: August 19, 2014, 05:41:31 PM »
Can I get a reference for the built-in stealth functions for python? It's in pascal on the website, but that doesn't help too much.

Here's the pascal reference I'm talking about:

Stealth archive / Re: Stealth Client Freeze With Second Monitor Issue
« on: August 19, 2014, 04:19:46 PM »
Quote from: Crome969
Can you give us more Informations about OS and your System? I use Stealth 5.2.0 from latest Build on AMD Phenom 955 Black Edition, 16 GB Ram, Windows 8 64Bit and 2x 30 Inch Monitors. I cant reproduce your issues.
Stealth v6.5.2, Windows 7 64bit, Intel i7-4770k, 8 gp ram, and 2 monitors 1920x1200 / 1280x1024

Quote from: Crome969
So you override your uo.cfg instead? You doublechecked the Mark "Use instead of uo.cfg" is nowhere marked?
Yes, I double checked that I wasn't using steal.cfg. That's the weird part.

Quote from: Crome969
Stealth works with Razor but not UOSteam. We never intended adding support for Third Party tools, but since UOSteam is no longer supported by their devs it also means we dont need to care much. Once EA updates Packet structures you can dumb the tool.
I think you completely misunderstood what I was saying. I want the CONNECT button that's on the stealth program to use RAZOR when starting up a graphical client.

Quote from: Crome969
Doesnt this works already since ages? Maybe you describe this feature request a bit more :-)
No, no it doesn't. Again, this may be a translation error. I am talking about the stealth profile configurations and how it has the ability to save different configurations of profiles. It may be that, because I can never get stealth to close properly, it doesn't save my profile configuration as the last used one to autoload it for next time. I just know that what I am getting now is that it makes me load profile configurations manually on startup.

Stealth archive / Re: Stealth Client Freeze With Second Monitor Issue
« on: August 18, 2014, 07:57:54 PM »
Well, yes, of course that's a work around, but isn't it our duty to submit what we find? I'm going to admit I've been a little behind on my bug submitting, so I'm going to submit what I have so far (I think three bugs at least and a few feature requests).

They are:

Stealth not closing, have to close from the task manager.
Stealth freezing on second monitor when trying to bring up system settings
Issues with steal.cfg being asked for when it isn't being used by any of the active clients.

Connect using either razor or vanilla UO depending on settings
Stealth automatically loading last used character connection configuration as setting

Link is broken.  :'(

New member introductions / The new orc in town
« on: August 06, 2014, 07:50:27 PM »
Hello, I'm Vlek. I'm a twenty-something bachelor's degree earner that, in his free time, likes to script the video games that he plays. I've been playing UO since I was ten, and I was a diehard Napa Valley player. I never really understood how to play until several years later when I graduated from petty, ridiculously annoying thief to a warrior and finally found my true calling in UO in an orcish guild called the bloodclan. In it, I have played PvP characters, both warrior and mage, and also played solely crafters for months at a time. I supplement my green characters with gold from tamer mages. I feel like, as an orc, I have become a much more well rounded UO player. I am here because, quite frankly, I got good with UOSteam and now, since it is gone and since I have maxed out its potential automation power, I want more. To be truthful, yes, I am power hungry in my lust for total automation, but my first and foremost concern is helping my clan and the community at large via statistical analysis only possible by the powerful stealth assistant. I hope to be a good, consistent contributor to the forum, and I hope to use stealth to great ends.

Stealth archive / Re: Tutorial for handling in Stealth
« on: July 29, 2014, 06:20:31 PM »
Is this also useful for those going the way of the python, or does it even matter at that point considering we can call them whatever we want?

Stealth archive / Making objects/graphics appear in game via stealth
« on: July 28, 2014, 03:43:29 PM »
Hello, I have a few ideas for scripts and would like to utilize as much in the way of the creation of graphical ques as possible. I was wondering if it was possible to, although it is not actually there in game, put objects or graphics places? How about making things in game different colors, ect?

Stealth archive / Re: Stealth Client Won't Close Because of Error
« on: July 28, 2014, 03:39:48 PM »
Okay, can I get the information for those? I found the bug tracker, so I'll post what I got there. My icq is: 167267277. I'll try to stay on as much as possible. I think you're my guy, Boydon. I'm a python scripter by choice.

Stealth archive / Re: Stealth Client Won't Close Because of Error
« on: July 27, 2014, 04:01:59 PM »
I think I've fixed the other error by making my entire UO directory read/write with any permissions. Is there an irc channel for Stealth UO? I honestly haven't used AIM or ICQ since like '02, but I downloaded Pidgin the other day to try to catch one of you. Here's my latest crash report I get whenever I try to close the main stealth window after running a python script:

Code: [Select]
An exception raised at 09:16:15:729
exceptions.KeyboardInterrupt: ScriptTerminated
(005865FE){Stealth.exe } [009875FE] PythonEngine.TPythonEngine.RaiseError (Line 5374, "PythonEngine.pas")
Call stack:
  (005865F9){Stealth.exe } [009875F9] PythonEngine.TPythonEngine.RaiseError (Line 5374, "PythonEngine.pas")
  (005898E0){Stealth.exe } [0098A8E0] PythonEngine.TPythonEngine.CheckError (Line 6383, "PythonEngine.pas")
  (00585C9E){Stealth.exe } [00986C9E] PythonEngine.TPythonEngine.Run_CommandAsObjectWithDict (Line 5182, "PythonEngine.pas")
  (00585B60){Stealth.exe } [00986B60] PythonEngine.TPythonEngine.Run_CommandAsObject (Line 5148, "PythonEngine.pas")
  (00585DCA){Stealth.exe } [00986DCA] PythonEngine.TPythonEngine.ExecStrings (Line 5195, "PythonEngine.pas")
  (005A3B88){Stealth.exe } [009A4B88] PyScript.TPyThread.ExecuteWithPython (Line 595, "PyScript.pas")
  (005A397D){Stealth.exe } [009A497D] PyScript.TPyThread.Execute (Line 564, "PyScript.pas")
  (000B2B91){Stealth.exe } [004B3B91] System.Classes.ThreadProc (Line 14561, "System.Classes.pas")
  (00008EE8){Stealth.exe } [00409EE8] System.ThreadWrapper (Line 23238, "System.pas")
An exception raised at 09:16:15:946
Access violation at address 0040B4EC in module 'Stealth.exe'. Read of address 00004000
(0000A4EC){Stealth.exe } [0040B4EC] System.@UStrCatN (Line 29036, "System.pas")
Call stack:
  (0000A4EC){Stealth.exe } [0040B4EC] System.@UStrCatN (Line 29036, "System.pas")
  (000DEDFA){Stealth.exe } [004DFDFA] System.IniFiles.TCustomIniFile.WriteBool (Line 298, "System.IniFiles.pas")
  (0028DB14){Stealth.exe } [0068EB14] SetupFiles.SaveShardsIni (Line 1292, "SetupFiles.pas")
  (0028D6FD){Stealth.exe } [0068E6FD] SetupFiles.SaveShardsList (Line 1259, "SetupFiles.pas")
  (005FF4B1){Stealth.exe } [00A004B1] main.TStealthForm.FormClose (Line 2249, "main.pas")
  (001DDCF7){Stealth.exe } [005DECF7] Vcl.Forms.TCustomForm.DoClose (Line 3996, "Vcl.Forms.pas")
  (00214409){Stealth.exe } [00615409] Vcl.Controls.TWinControl.WndProc (Line 10039, "Vcl.Controls.pas")
  (001DE759){Stealth.exe } [005DF759] Vcl.Forms.TCustomForm.WndProc (Line 4388, "Vcl.Forms.pas")
  (00213A4C){Stealth.exe } [00614A4C] Vcl.Controls.TWinControl.MainWndProc (Line 9751, "Vcl.Controls.pas")
  (000B5B5C){Stealth.exe } [004B6B5C] System.Classes.StdWndProc (Line 17013, "System.Classes.pas")
  (00549828){Stealth.exe } [0094A828] CoolTrayIcon.TCoolTrayIcon.HookFormProc (Line 1014, "CoolTrayIcon.pas")
  (000B5B5C){Stealth.exe } [004B6B5C] System.Classes.StdWndProc (Line 17013, "System.Classes.pas")
  (0021451A){Stealth.exe } [0061551A] Vcl.Controls.TWinControl.DefaultHandler (Line 10080, "Vcl.Controls.pas")
  (001E1B9D){Stealth.exe } [005E2B9D] Vcl.Forms.TCustomForm.WMSysCommand (Line 6275, "Vcl.Forms.pas")
  (00214409){Stealth.exe } [00615409] Vcl.Controls.TWinControl.WndProc (Line 10039, "Vcl.Controls.pas")
  (001DE759){Stealth.exe } [005DF759] Vcl.Forms.TCustomForm.WndProc (Line 4388, "Vcl.Forms.pas")
  (00213A4C){Stealth.exe } [00614A4C] Vcl.Controls.TWinControl.MainWndProc (Line 9751, "Vcl.Controls.pas")
  (000B5B5C){Stealth.exe } [004B6B5C] System.Classes.StdWndProc (Line 17013, "System.Classes.pas")
  (00549828){Stealth.exe } [0094A828] CoolTrayIcon.TCoolTrayIcon.HookFormProc (Line 1014, "CoolTrayIcon.pas")
  (000B5B5C){Stealth.exe } [004B6B5C] System.Classes.StdWndProc (Line 17013, "System.Classes.pas")
  (0021451A){Stealth.exe } [0061551A] Vcl.Controls.TWinControl.DefaultHandler (Line 10080, "Vcl.Controls.pas")
  (00214409){Stealth.exe } [00615409] Vcl.Controls.TWinControl.WndProc (Line 10039, "Vcl.Controls.pas")
  (001DE759){Stealth.exe } [005DF759] Vcl.Forms.TCustomForm.WndProc (Line 4388, "Vcl.Forms.pas")
  (00213A4C){Stealth.exe } [00614A4C] Vcl.Controls.TWinControl.MainWndProc (Line 9751, "Vcl.Controls.pas")
  (000B5B5C){Stealth.exe } [004B6B5C] System.Classes.StdWndProc (Line 17013, "System.Classes.pas")
  (00549828){Stealth.exe } [0094A828] CoolTrayIcon.TCoolTrayIcon.HookFormProc (Line 1014, "CoolTrayIcon.pas")
  (000B5B5C){Stealth.exe } [004B6B5C] System.Classes.StdWndProc (Line 17013, "System.Classes.pas")

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