Dead Boards > RebirthUO

wtb : clothing bless deeds

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The Ghost:
After what happen in Heartwood,  I don't think we will see a quest to have CBD.  Love the idea.    Maybe add them like the use to be on OSI in the reward.  

I did do bods like 10 years ago on osi, i had 5 bods accounts .. with 5 crafters each ... s7 was my hero!

I sold many bkits on ebay ... but from that point on bods was never fun again!
Every where else i played after that, i just bought them for like 50k - 200 k each!


and if someone was to fix the BOD system here, dont forget bribery:

Bulk Order Bribery

* Players may now grease the palms of NPCs that give out Bulk Order Deeds
* The NPC will accept a bribe from the player in order to upgrade a BOD to a better one
* Upgrades: Quantity, Quality, Material
* Can only upgrade completely empty deeds
* NPCs will become more greedy over time and ask for higher bribes
* Higher level deeds also require higher bribes
* NPCs who are bribed frequently will come under Guild scrutiny, and stop accepting bribes for a short time
* To start the process, select the Bribe context menu option on the NPC, and follow the instructions!
all in all 200k for a clothing bless deed is really steep!

650 gold to insure clothing
you would have to die 308 times before the deed would pay for it's self.
if you died 5 times in a day, it would take you 2 months to die 308 times.

The Ghost:
The Bride was working I beleive.  Wait that was before we  chance server.   Do you have to test the BOD on this new server.  One more thing on my to-do-list


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