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Topics - Flan

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New member introductions / Finally Returning to UO
« on: January 20, 2012, 08:15:54 PM »
Hey everyone. First off I wanted to say that I love the site!

Secondly, everyone calls me Flan since I love the dessert so much. I started playing MMO's in 2002 with DAoC but wasnt really that interested in UO until I met my future wife in 2003. She is a hardcore gamer and has had a UO account since 1999 and we actually met in game.

After we met and I started playing more often, I came to love IDOC'ing. We would run on a set schedule, mark the runes and then wait up at night until they all turned. I wasnt well liked on my shard since 99% of the time we placed a plot a split second after the house fell (It helps to know the exact time it is going to fall :) ), but made alot of friends within the shard and still have them to this day. The excitement left when they changed the IDOC system and I decided to take a hiatus from the game.

My wife has since talked this 39 year old to come back to a classic game and to just have fun. So here I am and plan on enjoying it. I am a beginning scripter and a sponge for knowledge. So if I can answer any questions on anything, do not hesitate to ask as you can be assured, I will have questions as well.

Good Luck out there and happy gaming!


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