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Messages - Balbaines

Pages: [1]
New member introductions / Re: Ohhhh how things have changed
« on: August 28, 2015, 06:15:19 AM »
Thank you all.  I must say I spent some time digging through the libraries and assorted boards.  I really can't believe how CURRENTLY active this site it.  I have only used easyuo boards and they are so outdated and unresponsive.  Not only that but the potential and depth of these scripts is just mind boggling.  I really didn't know that so much could be done with scripting.  So much for just basic skill training scripts...I feel as if I'm going to be very busy playing around with these and seeing what really can be done. 

New member introductions / Re: Ohhhh how things have changed
« on: August 27, 2015, 10:10:12 PM »
:)  Thank you much Kali.  You on Lake Superior as well?

New member introductions / Ohhhh how things have changed
« on: August 27, 2015, 08:57:49 PM »
Hello all!  UO was my first "big online experience" and have been in love with it ever since.  I started back in '99/2000 and played until just after SE hit and have been gone since.  That old feeling of nostalgia hit though so decided to check it out again.  So glad the community is still there.  Not as big but just as strong!  Have only played on LS but thinking about making an ATL toon just to check out vendors and such....meh we'll see.

As for characters I really don't have many.  My first was a basic archer that has evolved into an ABC archer but has fallen to the wayside a bit.  My second character  was the all powerful WW wielding tamer.  Today...he is my kinda powerful but extremely slow GD wielding...ummmm bank mule?  Current fave  is my sampire.  Never played with bushido before I quite and so coming back to this beautiful template has changed my world lol.  Loving it.

Before I quit I only used roadkills taming script when  leveling my tamer.  Since  I've been back though I decided to dive into it a bit more and have used several to get me caught up and because I'm a little older and more patient to work with them a bit.  Although I don't have a lot of  knowledge or experience with scripting I am willing to learn and interested in developing a bit deeper understanding of it.

Anyway, a bit long winded for this late at night.  If anyone wants to know more or has any question feel free to ask.  Look forward meeting  you all.

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