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I'm having a issue with the script locking up after it recalls back to house / trick or treat location. it simply stops,,, even if I manualy click the attendant, it wont restart.. any suggestions?
sub reenter_home ;just replace xxxx with stops and wait 40 per teleporterwait 1sgosub goodbyegosub TM_TravelFromNamedRunebook %travel %home1 %home2 %booknamewait 40if #CHARPOSY >= %pathfindrangestart && #CHARPOSY <= %pathfindrangewindow { repeat event pathfind xxxx yyyy ;x/y of first location (not recall point) until #charposx = xxxx && #charposy = yyyy wait 80 ; because of teleporter- take out if not using teleporter ;do not edit below-this is your original starting point repeat event pathfind %movedx %movedy until #charposx = %movedx && #charposy = %movedy }gosub helloreturn
That was the first thing I checked and I the moment it teleports, it just doesn't recognize I have been teleported. doesn't even cast recall. cant even tell if my rail is working properly.
I tried with the status bar open, I even downloaded the old version and updated id's. Also ran it without UOA because sometimes I find that UOA affects some scripts, but still no luck on this one. Once I get teleported to gate it just stays trick or treating there. Even tried switching to sacred journey
pretty new but int is at 82/100 mana, is there a skill check ?
set %travel REset %bookname halloween ;name on runebook you want to recall homeset %home1 15 ;home spot 1set %home2 16 ;home in spot 2
gosub TM_TravelFromNamedRunebook RE 1 1 Halloweenhalt
If you want to test your recall option download this form TM http://www.scriptuo.com/index.php?topic=18.0;highlight=tm_travelfromrunebookon top insert thisCode: [Select] gosub TM_TravelFromNamedRunebook RE 1 1 HalloweenhaltThis will try to recall to rune # 1 in the book name Halloween .