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Messages - Alpha

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Television/Movies / Re: Walking Dead Series still on AMC
« on: December 02, 2013, 08:56:14 AM »
Yea Mid Season Finale was AWESOME..... It just annoys me that the best part is the "hurry up and wait" hook.   After Rick Bails out behind the School bus I was kinda like "uhh.. no one going to make sure he's dead eh?" Other than that it was entertaining though I'm still trying to make up my mind on the Rick's little infant.....

No..   heh thats how you get PLAYER attention, but if you react to PLAYERS appropriately such as logging out then your good to go...  While your at it add GM tracking & a Tracking Sub and GM SS so no Ghosts can spy etc... or Maybe put a Trial acc with GM SS at the entrance to watch for peeps and monitor doors opening / closing heh.   Lots of ways.

Ah....  it hadn't occurred to me to think about how the looting rights work.  I can see where looting rights on a party of 7 let's say generate a more artys etc....

And having killed "thousands" how many arties / hr would you say.  I take em out in like 10 sec on a samp but the results weren't impressive though I didn't give it long.

General UO Chat / Re: Sampires! What weapons do you use?
« on: November 30, 2013, 02:58:04 PM »
Broad Sword
Bladed Staff
Radiant Scimitar
Double Axe
War Axe
Hammer Pick
Leaf Blade

Which weapon I'm using depends on WHAT I'm doing as various things are better in certain situations etc..

Hmm...   ok I might have to stick it out for say a 10 hour stretch then on the biggest dungeon critter (non-captain) I can do which is the Slayer I'd think and see what kinda results I get.   I could definitely use a couple 100 invasion arty's for the items I wanted but TOTALLY 100% afk'ing the Captains isn't something I think I can do with a solo account, so I was hoping I could ditch the grind for the arties and just farm lesser stuff etc.

General UO Chat / Farming NEW dungeon for Minax Arty's... Any results yet?
« on: November 30, 2013, 10:14:34 AM »
I'm just wondering what people are script killing in the New Dungeon and what kinda numbers on Minax Arty drops they are getting per hour etc..?   I was thinking of Killing the Slayer... with a decent luck samp almost as fast as it spawns, but dind't get any drops after about 20 minutes so just wondering what sort of results people are having so far.   Anyone??

Player Templates / Re: Hit Lower Defense
« on: November 27, 2013, 07:34:03 AM »
Nah..   They just took away the ability to HAVE over cap DCI unless you use Refinements.   If you choose to use refinements then it's a 1:1 exchange rate.

+1 DCI Cap = -1 Resist Cap (In a resist you choose)


-1 DCI Cap = +1 Resist Cap (In a Resist you choose)

The only really confusing part is the application of the refinements, but the NET effect is pretty easy to grasp bc you can do...

75 in all resists with a MAX DCI cap of 20.


65 in all resists with a MAX DCI cap of 70

There's also a lot of choices in between but it's a function of how the various levels of refinements function etc..

Player Templates / Re: Hit Lower Defense
« on: November 25, 2013, 09:08:27 AM »
Yea.. What Crome Said..  

Also..   HLD effect lasts for 8 Seconds and CAN be reset before the 8 second timer expires so in PvM terms it's often acceptable to only have 30% HLD bc if your swinging at the swing speed cap of 1.25 Seconds / Swing you will get 6 chances to both HIT your target and roll that 30% chance at the HLD going off to RESET your original 8 second timer.  

50% HLD (weapon) + 30% HILD (Glasses) doesn't quite mean you have a 80% chance of HLD going off each swing either.. it's more like..

Out of 100 swings 50 of them will have HLD go off from your Weapon..
From the remaining 50 swings that aren't HLD from your weapon 30% of 50 will trigger HLD from the glasses aka 15..
Total out of 100 Hits you will put your target under the HLD effect 65 / 100 times..

In PvP... or PvM too I guess...

120 Combat skill 45 HCI Attacker vs. 120 Combat skill 45 DCI Defender = 50 / 50 chance for Attacker to hit Defender..
If Defender is under the HLD effect they have -25% DCI.. so 20 DCI remaining meaning the Attacker hits Defender 60% of the Time.. HUGE in PvP.

For PvM... Monsters do not have DCI... and DCI CAN go negative....  
So Yourself as the attacker with 120 Combat skill & 45 HCI vs.. Mosnter with 120 Combat skill.. You'd hit 72% of the Time..
If you use HLD... You'd hit 96% of the time on average bc the monster would have -25% DCI while under the HLD effect.

Cool Links! / Olympic Sprinter plays rugby
« on: November 24, 2013, 11:25:01 PM »

General UO Chat / Re: How do you empty a Water Barrel ??
« on: November 23, 2013, 10:11:11 AM »
Thanks Gim...  I feel silly bc after a lot more digging yesterday I finally found mention of simply AXING the barrels...   LoL works like a charm.

General UO Chat / How do you empty a Water Barrel ??
« on: November 22, 2013, 10:14:59 AM »
OK..   I'd forgotten about these things until I came across some "interesting" words in the middle of no where & now I think I want to re-deco some outside my house.  The problem is HOW do I EMPTY the barrel I filled one time with a water pitcher ??  I create a empty pitcher by by consuming the contents but after I used that empty pitcher (findtype WYF) ONE time on a water barrel the #findtype changes to VBM and the graphic now shows a water pitcher with water in it even though the description says "It's empty" still.  If you use the VBM (not really empty) pitcher type on the full water barrel it says "you cannot gather water here".   Anyway I've created probably 100 ish totally empty pitchers and used em on my water barrel (that I filled with ONE pitcher) and it's still full.....   I just messed up my placement & wanna fix it.  Any suggestions?

I'm going to have to try this on my 4 years old bc she LOVES her box of dinosaurs heh.

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