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Topics - aliester

Pages: [1]
New member introductions / Hello Everyone - Aliester - Intro
« on: January 05, 2014, 08:02:49 AM »
Hey everyone.  I have played UO off and on for the last 15 years.  I started on Great Lakes in 99' as an aspiring mage who quickly became a miner and alchemist (I wanted to do everything lol).  I mined ingots and used the money to train my alchemy.  Eventually I was able to open up a shop selling gheal and gcure potions which made me a modest income.

Sometime late 99' I trained poisoning to near GM (99.9) and was one of the highest skilled poisoners on the server and one of the only GM alchemists. 

In 00' I graduated high school and went into the military for a few years so was only able to play every so often.  After my stint in the military I returned periodically to UO as other games were unable to quite scratch the UO itch.  I have played on various free servers since then (The Second Age, Hybrid -briefly, IPY2, and UO Forever).

One of the things I have enjoyed is learning how to automate my crafting and vendors so that I can spend more time advertising and running my shop.  Like many of you I now have a lot of real life responsibilities so my gaming time is limited.

I look forward to meeting everyone here.



Stealth archive / Where can I find Stealth version 6.1.4?
« on: January 04, 2014, 03:05:41 PM »
I want to code my scripts in C# so I understand I can't use 6.1.5.  Only problem is I can't find 6.1.4 anywhere.  Anyone have a link to where I can down this version?


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