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RebirthUO News / Re: Release 2.0.2
« Last post by TrailMyx on February 22, 2017, 10:43:31 AM »
Yes it is.  I'm unsure why the New Ferret is so obsessed about old news on Rebirth.  I'm hoping some day he'll get tired.  lol
RebirthUO News / Re: Release 2.0.2
« Last post by The Ghost on February 22, 2017, 09:51:15 AM »
Is this Fake New :)
RebirthUO News / Pre Patch Informations (Please Read!)
« Last post by Spaz Ferret on February 22, 2017, 03:01:10 AM »
Pre Patch Informations (Please Read!)

As we are in the process of upgrading rebirthuo, a few major changes will occur, once we migrate the next major patch.

Please read the following notes which may change your gameplace :

  1. All Animal Taming Bulk Order Deeds, Animal Taming Bulk order Books and references will be deleted. I warned you before, that we will delete them to remove that system about 1 year ago. If you still own such deeds, you can drop them to clean up mall and gain some points. All remaining ones will be deleted.

  2. HS-Fishing\Boat content will be complete removed. I want also to remove that fish and will discuss ways to give them some value. Which will allow to exchange those for some prices. The Fish wont be removed by next patch, but ways to obtain such content. The integration of HS-content were experimental and very sloppy by an old developer. I want to cleanup that and wait for a proper implementation

  3. I will restructure and cleanup the bugtracker. Previous reported bugs before Version 2.0 will be moved to an archive. Due the massive amount of changes its just impossible to recheck whats still remains and i want to focus our resource to fix new related reports instead

  4. I will remove the tag "2.0" tag from servername. I heard that it caused some issues with macros and forced players to copy their profiles through folders. I not want to force further players to experience this issue.

I will post a patch preview and a release date once we are done with all preparations.

Team RebirthUO
Source: Pre Patch Informations (Please Read!)
RebirthUO News / Release 2.0.2
« Last post by Spaz Ferret on February 21, 2017, 03:03:54 AM »
Release 2.0.2

Release Build 2.0.2 has been released and contains following changes :


- Boats should regain their full control again.


-  Socket System which sneaked onto our server has been removed. If you own an item with sockets, ask a friendly GM to normalize it :). You cannot do anything with those sockets anyways..


-Nothing this time
Source: Release 2.0.2
RebirthUO News / DONATIONS
« Last post by Spaz Ferret on February 18, 2017, 03:22:52 PM »

How to Donate

First of all you enter the Amount of Tokens you want to request for your donation.

Then you enter your Accountname. Be aware that your accountname must be correctly

written and case sensitive declared. Wrong account donations wont be refundend(Well there are still exceptions).

After finishing the further steps on paypal and suceeded the payment, you

have can claim your donation by using the command [checkdonate .

New unclaimed donations will be displayed on blue colors.You only have to click on the Button to review the data and accept

the amount of tokens. After you proceeded through this process your tokens will be dropped in your Bank.

Our Donationmeter is yet not autoupdating the donation amounts of a month, so in order to get a fresh view

i would like if you pm me after claiming your tokens and tell me how many tokens you claimed.

Notes : The System automaticly sync to our database every 30-60 Minutes. If you not got your donation

tokens yet, either wait a bit and retry or call for a staffmember. He can force the resync between Shard and Database.

« Last post by Spaz Ferret on February 18, 2017, 03:56:13 AM »

If you ever have a real emergency like the shard went down, you are stuck by a bug or lost something precious due a bug, contact us on

This Adress forwards your incoming Message to EVERY OWNER and will give us a better way to reply to issues.

The shard crashed? Contact us!!

Heavy Bug? Make a Screenshot and Contact us!!!

You can atleast reach us out 85% of time in our certain timezone.

About Timezones :

Tecmo & Duck Duck => U.S.A.

Pure & Morax => Europe

So we can atleast cover 16 Hours together and 8 hours will be either Europe or U.S.A. be available.

We will try to either reply via mail or contact you as fast as possible.
RebirthUO News / 2017 - Its a New Year!
« Last post by Spaz Ferret on January 03, 2017, 04:00:05 PM »
RebirthUO News / Unplanned Maintenance Notice
« Last post by Spaz Ferret on December 21, 2016, 11:17:05 PM »
RebirthUO / Re: Powerscrolls
« Last post by Tidus on December 08, 2016, 11:32:55 AM »
RebirthUO / Re: Powerscrolls
« Last post by TrailMyx on December 08, 2016, 08:49:57 AM »
Nice!  Anything can be scripted! :)
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