Casa de TrailMyx > Programming / Operating Systems

Modifying Ventrilo To Run Music.


I am doing this write-up to help people in the changing of vent so they can talk and play music over a ventrilo at the same time.  This write-up uses 3 programs:

* Ventrilo
* Virtual Audio Cable
* Winamp

Okay here we go.

First right click on any ventrilo icon you use to open your ventrilo. Mine is on my desktop.

Now choose preferences.  You will just add the -m after the quoted address as i have in the picture.

Apply that and now you are able to open up multiple ventrilos on the same computer.

Next you need to download VAC_Full which is below in the attachment.  Don't worry it won't put any icons or anything on your computer. It will add a virtual sound driver so that you can stream things without hearing it.

Now after you install vac you will open up winamp. Then go to the corner (depending on your skin) and choose Options --> Preferences.

You will then click on Output and select the one that is highlighted in the picture.

Now click on configure. And choose in the drop down box to Virtual Cable.

Now all you need to do is create an account for your Music bot.  I named mine music and gave it a Rank of Music Bot in my vent.  I will be posting a tutorial on how to do Ranks soon.  

Now while you are logged in as your Music bot go to Setup.

Make sure you have it look as the picture looks. And that the virtual cable you are using on vent is the same as the winamp one.

And that is how you set up a music bot.  Any questions just reply to this post.


I'm glad to see my links are still working.  Anyone used this write-up?


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