Casa de TrailMyx > Wine & Spirits

Matanza Creek Merlot (2000)


Now, this wine was very very nice, could taste the oak/spice taste of a Merlot. (I hope that'd be correct) One year, my stepmom got extra gift cards for purchasing large orders, so, she gave me some. I had about $150, and was in Houston. Went to this Papa Brothers Steak House with my fiance. The food alone for the 2 of us was probably around 60-80. I got a glass of this wine, only $13/glass. Well, I used some gift cards for the grocery store to buy a bottle of this win (back in 2004) for about $45. Had it about 2-3 years before opening it and drinking it. Very nice. So, if you can find some in Ca cheaper, send it to me.  :) 

ROFL, well my collection dates to about 2003.  So I'll have to look for that.  (Although I have a 1997 Cuviason that's keeping for a special occasion.)

Well, I'd take any vintage  :)  I think I seen like 04/05 for about 20 somthing... I have to start a collection, guess that means at times buying more than one bottle.

Done, I'll keep my eyes out for it.  ;)


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