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Messages - xwardox

Pages: 1 [2]
New member introductions / Re: And now for me?
« on: June 07, 2011, 04:33:55 PM »
Nice intro!  Welcome to the site.  You mentioned that you created a little program... would it be one that a lot of us know? Or was it a private program?


it was just a little program i made for my roomates and friends to use, dont think it ever got out, never named it to be honest. when it loaded the title was Form1 lol

When it tries to chop at the secure, don't stop the script. Just let it run it out.

It will get bored of your house and move on.

But as a guess I'd say your carrying too much weight.

Did you re-download the script?

yeah i re-downloaded the script and it starts the chopping after it has dropped the wood in to my secure so im not sure how im over weight

ok ive tried the new script, i made sure ihave no +str or +hp armor or jewelery on. It starts at my secure goes to rune 1 in book 1 chops goes to secure drops off wood then tries to chop at secure

ok i've ran in to 1 small problem with the script. once i hit 90 skill it stopped automatically refilling the boards. it just keeps trying to make things with out enough wood. once i put the 4 boards in my pack back in to my secure it starts back up no issues but once its out i have to do it again.

any ideas?

im trying to use this script, i have my books setup and i have it set to use magery i start  at my secure box at my home, it recalls to first spot then equips my axe then opens house book sets default recalls to house then trys to cast a spell i do not have then equips the axe and trys to chop wood that is not there

using it now with a scroll started at 30 at 59 so far and only been 6 minutes. working good so far on osi

New member introductions / Re: And now for me?
« on: May 31, 2011, 05:48:36 PM »
yeah this game and i go back a long ways starting with the original ultima and i love it!

New member introductions / And now for me?
« on: May 31, 2011, 05:39:40 PM »
Well i go by many different names from peskin to albiorix to doc holiday on a few server.

Well to start im 31 and im an electronic casino game technician for a game mfg. Ive been doing that for the last 6+ years, im a computer geek from way back.
I got started with small little things on a apple 2 then on to win 3.1 then on to 32 bit environment which lead to programming and other shadier things on the internet.

Unfortunately and fortunately what i was programming got boring so one day i want to software inc back in 97 and saw this game called ultima online and i said "huh  wonder if that's the same ultima i use to play on my com64 and nes" read the back of the box saw it was out by origin and that it was the game world i loved but on a much larger scale, how much larger i did not know.

I started out on Great lakes at first due to where i was living at the time, but the server was entirely to crowded for my taste and i was on dial up and so it made it rough to play but play i did, i was your basic chr bouncing back and forth between gm fencing and gm magery due  the fact you could only GM in 1 skill at the time.

I kept at that for a while and had my fair run in's with reds collected a few heads and also added to the price of a few.

Then T2A came out and i moved to yomato server and found ophidian alley and my fencing took a back seat to magery with the ability to cast blade spirits very easily from the top of the canyon down to where i could get the knights to chase me and kill them that way and then hide from the red running up and not seeing my blade spirit and watch him die and giggle to myself.

I eventually got my older brother hooked on the game and then we fought over who's turn it was to use the only pc we had in the house.

then in spring/summer of 99 we moved to colo springs and we did not have internet and was unable to play uo anymore.

fast forward to 02 im living in another new town in another state and im at Hastings and im checking out the pc software they had and there it was, UO Blackthorns revenge.

I quickly snagged the game rushed home and installed and patched(still on dial up at this point -_-) i played for a few months but the lack of a high speed internet connection and school made it hard for me to enjoy the game the way i once did so again i stopped playing.

Fast forward to 2004/5(not sure on specific date) im living in the same town but now house and now with DSL! so i reactivated my account again and started out on atl with a friend of mine i had met online playing a different game. I was enjoying the game again and having a blast and my brother was playing again.

We both preordered UO:AoS and decided that ATL was entirely to popular and we really wanted a LTower which we had never had before. So we moved to lake austin and i created a little program to allow me to loop UOA macros and do any skill 8x8 on a boat so we could quickly gm our skills before malas opened and get enough gold to get out very own Ltower.

I have been playing off and on since then but with all the new templates out and me only having 3 chrs i want to try new templates out but with my job and family i really dont want to spend a long time sittiing infront of my pc training skills and not really getting the enjoyment from the game. I had seen euo many times but i never used it because i had my own little toys but now i do not have those toys and euo seems like the best option to help me get my skills up quick and get back to enjoying this game i have been playing off and on for 14 years now.

its a long in the tooth but there it is

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