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New member introductions / Re: intro Azdarkarts
« Last post by Crisis on Today at 03:20:24 AM »
A Very Warm Welcome!

Our only requirement to be part of this site is for new members to write a good and thoughtful introduction.

Before we will unrestrict you - you need to tell us a lot more!
Please greatly expand your introduction and tell us about yourself and your UO life.

Look at the stickied examples if you need insight.
I think you will find the effort required to write a couple paragraphs will pay off with this community!

(Use a translator program if you feel you can not write in English.)
New member introductions / intro Azdarkarts
« Last post by azdarkarts on September 19, 2024, 07:31:04 AM »
Hi all, I am azdarkarts,

I have been playing UO on and off since 1998, I have currently found a private server that i have been playing on for the last three years. I will probably continue playing UO as long as it still exists.

New member introductions / Re: From PvP Obsession to Sampire Zen
« Last post by gimlet on September 18, 2024, 03:35:55 PM »


New member introductions / Re: From PvP Obsession to Sampire Zen
« Last post by Crisis on September 18, 2024, 02:54:52 PM »
  Welcome to SUO! Thanks for your introduction - restricted status lifted - feel free to enjoy all the benefits of the site!
New member introductions / From PvP Obsession to Sampire Zen
« Last post by paipzz on September 18, 2024, 02:02:47 PM »

I've relapsed again... Haha. This game is by far the one I enjoy the most because it's endless, there will always be something to do, and that's what I love.

I started playing in AOS. Always on Spanish or Latin American free servers. UO Legends, UO Lands, Tierras Baldías, and finally UO Demise. This was about 10 years ago.

Back then, I really enjoyed the game, I loved PvP and was obsessed with controlling champ spawns. I teamed up with people who liked the same thing, and I had a great time. During that period, I had three accounts almost always active, farming ingots, BODs, runics... I used to have an account on this forum which I lost, and I always used a lot of scripts. Now that I think about it, it was a bit over the top, but it was the only way to keep up with the others on the server.

Everything was going well until my account got hacked and everything was stolen. The GMs either didn’t want to or couldn’t do anything, and out of frustration, I deleted the game and didn’t play again until about three months ago.

Currently, I don’t have much time to play and farm, so I play much more casually, mostly doing PvM. I love playing with my sampire.

Happy to be back!

New member introductions / Re: Addicted?
« Last post by gimlet on September 15, 2024, 12:03:27 PM »


New member introductions / Re: Can't Seem to Shake UO
« Last post by gimlet on September 15, 2024, 12:02:58 PM »


New member introductions / Re: Can't Seem to Shake UO
« Last post by Crisis on September 14, 2024, 04:07:10 PM »
  Welcome to SUO! Thanks for your introduction - restricted status lifted - feel free to enjoy all the benefits of the site!
New member introductions / Can't Seem to Shake UO
« Last post by Unc on September 14, 2024, 11:27:41 AM »
Hello! I've been an on-again/off-again UO player since 1998, originally on Chesapeake, then Catskills, then about 500 different free shards over the years, some time on Outlands, and currently back splitting time between Chesapeake and UOAlive.

I am NOT a scripter by any stretch of the imagination, but I love tinkering around with them can usually troubleshoot simple to moderate problems. I'm always looking for fun new scripts that take away some of the UO drudgery to leave more time for the fun.

NERD ALERT: I am one of the holdouts of UO roleplayers and it's probably what keeps me never fully leaving UO. No other MMO has ever come close to the RP possibilities of UO.

Nice to meet you all!
New member introductions / Re: Addicted?
« Last post by Crisis on September 13, 2024, 12:35:22 PM »
  Welcome to SUO! Thanks for your introduction - restricted status lifted - feel free to enjoy all the benefits of the site!
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