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Topics - papapoop

Pages: [1]
New member introductions / My name is Poop, Papa Poop.
« on: November 27, 2011, 11:17:35 AM »
Welp here I go.... I have been playing UO Since early 1998, I was 13 years old at the time. A wife, twin boys, a baby girl and almost 14 years later I'm still here. The PvP aspect really got me hooked, but the freedom and diversity in character templates has kept me here. I have had many "breaks" with UO (mostly after big mechanic changes). My first macroing experience was was uoloop (which I still use to this day), I would get pretty creative with multiple loops running at varying intervals. Then I came across UO-AutoPilot which revolutionized what I thought was possible which "macroing". I started using Easyuo in 2003, I started out as a copy/paste user, but soon began to learn how to modify scripts to better fit my needs. My scripting skills aren't the greatest, but I have wrote some working simple scripts from scratch. I am making a return from about a 2 year break, and after a bit a research this seems to be the main community for scripting, and I would love to be a part it.

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