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Messages - trinityrei

Pages: [1]
New member introductions / hi im new
« on: July 03, 2020, 05:03:57 PM »
Hi am a new user and I have played UO since I was 13.
I have started playing freeshards lately again and its really fun.

I used to play on Angel Island if anyone remembers that shard. I had so much fun with friends and love to make crafting characters.
I am currently playing on a few shards that allow you to have an unlimited skill cap and you can do all the tradeskills and that is my favorite part of the game. I love being able to make my own things and decorate my house and stuff. I am not really into PVP. I like PVE or PVM as some call it.

I like animal taming because I love dragons.
I have just started learning about the BOD system, I have never played on shards with that feature until this year.

I love all the seasonal events that shards put on. Currently, 4th of July is tomorrow and I am excited about the events.

I just got enough gold for a second house and I need to find a place for it. I hope I can find a good script on this site for it.

I need some good scripts!  :D

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