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Topics - atomicferret

Pages: [1]
General UO Chat / What script client for OSI shards?
« on: March 14, 2012, 04:17:34 AM »
What scripting program if any works for OSI shards these days?  So far its looking like nothing is working for me unless I am missing an updated download link here or on easyuo.

Could someone point me in the right direction if I am missing something, apologies if I overlooked something.

Thanks in advance!

New member introductions / Greetings everyone.
« on: March 12, 2012, 09:49:00 AM »
Hi everyone here at these forums.

I just started playing UO again after about 5 years of absence.  I started playing about 2 months after the game officially launched and played through the thick and thin of it all until I decided to finally quit.  But here I am back at it, and yes I actually am playing on a EA paid shard on Atlantic.

I also played on Atlantic back then as well and went by the name Flash and Trendy, if any old timers are here that remember seeing me around then hello.

I mostly played on my tamer/mage doing as much PvP as I could get in to.  After trammel appeared I did endless arti runs in that one dungeon, can't recall the name.  I just remember running from room to room killing monsters with my friends and other random players until a certain boss appeared.  That was fun, is there anything like that in game now days?

Couple questions now that I have my introduction down.

1.  Does anyone here play on the pay shards or do most of you just play on freeshards?
2.  Can you use scripting on the pay shards these days and if so what script client is most used?

Looking forward to hanging around here and chatting, be it about the good old days or complaining about the current state of the game haha.

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