Official ScriptUO EasyUO Scripts > Scripting Tutorials

Confused as normal


Okay been reading the script tutorials. For bandages and such. How does the script know when your wounded etc to use these items? Read something about journal scanning ?


--- Quote from: Insideout on April 30, 2013, 12:19:07 PM ---Okay been reading the script tutorials. For bandages and such. How does the script know when your wounded etc to use these items? Read something about journal scanning ?

--- End quote ---

Script Engines nowadays are able to read your status data. So you can call those Attributes and write checkups like
if Hits < MaxHits and then operate under the knowlegde " if you have no longer maxhits you are wounded". Same You can do for items. Each item in the world can be scanned. You can scan for those by giving the right identifier and when you find something, operate the handling of use the Item. Now we talk about Journal Scanning. Most Actions showing some output into the Game Journal. So you can try to read and compare the content and add operations, what should happen when a specific line\text\content appear. You may should check Tutorials a little bit more for more details.


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