Official ScriptUO EasyUO Scripts > Scripting Tutorials

Healing Script

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--- Code: ---;

if C in #charStatus
gosub cure

if #hits < #maxhits
gosub heal

repeat until #CharGhost = Yes

--- End code ---

a repeat condition like this?

also, how do I make it target a mob? I think the mob type is TH (Artic Ogre Lord)

The stuff to repeat goes between the repeat and until

--- Code: ---repeat
   if C in #charStatus
      gosub cure

   if #hits < #maxhits
      gosub heal

until #CharGhost = Yes

--- End code ---

ahh ok, changing it.

changes in the new one.

So lets say I want to use this to heal one of my other guys on a different account. So this guy just sits back and heals him while the other guy beats on something.

How do I pull the second character as the target?

Is there a way to make the script look for a name?

Can I also make this target mobs in a similar manner?


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