; Script Name: MoveItem
; Author: Cerveza
; Version: 1.0
; Shard OSI
; Revision Date: 12/8/2011
; Purpose: To move items from lootpack into seperate containers it will move all types or gem, reagent, imbuing ingreadients, from the lootbag to containers
; Globals: None
; 1. open Move Item in easyuo
; 2. stand next to the containters you want to sort your loot into.
; 3. hit play.
; 4. set your loot, gems, reagent, ingredients and misc item bags from the menu.
; 5. click the button for the items you want to moce or move them all
; the user can specify any item they want by adding the item type to the %misc variable inside the script
; Thanks: {frneo and Cerveza for helping me right the script}