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Questing / Re: Gen's Library Donations
« on: December 25, 2009, 06:02:14 PM »
You'll just have to play around with your runes..

Are you suggesting that after some trial and error I will find a working spot?

Just to clarify myself a bit more, I am unable to mark a location near Vincent the Warrior that I am able to recall to. I've tried several spots in his vicinity and it's always telling me "Something is blocking the location." It seems to me that the entire library and surrounding few tiles are non-recall-able.

Have you experienced this?  Do you happen to have the coordinates of a working location?

Questing / Re: Gen's Library Donations
« on: December 25, 2009, 06:23:34 AM »
Since my character is able to blacksmith, he is pressing the wrong button on the vendor menu, and instead trying to get a Bulk Order Deed.

I resolved this by dropping the 0.1 point of blacksmithy.

Now that he's buying axes, I'm still not able to Sacred Journey to the library, as it's always giving me "Something is blocking that location."

Where are people marking their runes to be able to donate?

New member introductions / Hello
« on: December 24, 2009, 05:33:18 AM »
Just got done reading about restricted access, and the requirements of your first post.

I've played UO on several different occasions over the years. My longest active OSI account is just over a year old now. I've bought the game twice, and combined have played about a year and a half on offical shards, along with several months on demise free shard.

I'm more interested in scripting UO than I am in playing it, to be honest. I've attempted to write scripts for nearly every game that's held my interest for more than a couple of weeks. For UO, I've written several scripts in Autoit (including a very effective autominer.. which I'm considering migrating into, a couple of simple AutoHotkey functions/hotkeys and even some sendmessage stuff (which is annoying because it requires screen focus). I've tried Easyuo, but didn't enjoy developing in it. The managed .net wrapper for UOAI rocked/rocks.. but it's not developing fast enough to hold my interests.

So here I am.. time to check out ScriptUO.

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