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Messages - facudom

Pages: [1]
Questing / Re: said3 Heartwood trinket weaver quester
« on: March 14, 2016, 07:17:29 AM »
any update on this? D:

New member introductions / Re: Hi everyone!
« on: March 14, 2016, 06:31:23 AM »
Thanks for your introduction - restricted status lifted - feel free to enjoy all the benefits of the site!


Wow, that was fast! Thanks! Hope to learn good stuff here!!

Questing / Re: ScriptUO Heartwood Quester v1.19
« on: March 14, 2016, 06:08:34 AM »
gonna give it a try. do you think this'll work in a freeshard?

New member introductions / Hi everyone!
« on: March 14, 2016, 06:02:37 AM »

Just read some good intros and noticed mines lacked of spirit :( So here is mine:

Im from Argentina, been playing for 15 years (not constant, I've taken a few brakes from time to time). Never played Osi sadly :'( but I've played in plenty of argentine free shards.
I started on a role playing shard called Dark Dungeons at the age of 9 (yes, 9). Didn't had a clue back then so basically what I used to do was to move around and tame black horses (It was a server with a custom map and custom animals, so you could get true black horses).

After a while, I moved to other servers. At the beginning, I started training crafters, since I was terrible at the pvp... That worked out to make some money and get good gear, but I wasn't really too interested in PvP yet so I started doing PvM. Sadly, that UO server died so I stopped playing for a while. I started playing back as soon as another server would emerge, but nothing to constant.

Then, a few years back, I've found the best argentine server I've played. Osiris UO. There I learned the ways of PvP. I had an instant crush with Ninja Mage (before you needed stealth to land a decent Death Strike). Played there for a few years, but then the server slowly died so I stopped playing UO completly until this December.

That would be my UO history, now let me introduce me:

I am a travel agent, currently studying engineering at the University of Buenos Aires and traveling around the world everytime I have enough money. I love going to pubs (an habit which is not so good going with playing UO all night, but I manage to do both if I can :P) and I'm a huge of Boca Juniors.

So... I think that would be me. Sorry if I misspelled something, I speak english, but I tend to make some mistakes from time to time


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