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Messages - qwchrbichn

Pages: [1]
New member introductions / Re: Introduction
« on: June 26, 2017, 04:43:46 PM »
Welcome to SUO! I was Army, what branch did you serve in?

Marines. Hail fellow vet and thanks for the welcome!

New member introductions / Introduction
« on: June 26, 2017, 01:49:05 PM »
Hello all.

I've been playing UO off and on (mostly off) since '97. I first quit around 2001-ish, then came back about two or three years ago. I took some time off for the birth of my daughter, and will likely take some time off next year for another new arrival.

I started off as a PvM player on Napa the first time and gradually switched to PvP when I joined an guild of antis as a dexer. I wasn't very good, but really enjoyed it anyway. This time around I play mostly PvM as a caster and a tamer on Lake Superior. Sometimes I dabble in PvP with my archer in VvV or with the uptick of reds in Fel T2A since pub 97.

I don't really game much anymore (outside of UO), nor do I keep up with gaming news. I've been retired from the military for several years now, going back to school, writing a fantasy novel, dealing with a baby, and now preparing for another; so one game is about all I have time for. And yes, for anyone doing the math, having kids at my age might lead you to believe that my wife and I forgot where babies come from. Well, we remember now.

Anyway, I'm afraid I've got nothing to contribute since I'm not a scripter, nor have I ever used scripts, but I do have a scintillating personality. In my own mind at least. I look forward to learning at least a little.

Be gentle.

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