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Topics - HellFish

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New member introductions / HellFish Here, New to the forum
« on: June 16, 2012, 12:06:05 PM »
Hello everyone! I haven't played UO in quite a long time and have recently made a return. I used to have a tamer, bard, couple mages and a couple melee characters. Was pretty big into PVP. For some reason I was expecting more people to be playing on my server but that hasn't been the case (I should have known better). I've been playing around on EasyUO trying to refamiliarize myself with it. It's amazing how much has changed yet at the same time how much things are the same.

I've been working on piecing some suits together as well as crafting new items. The new expansion have introduced a large amount of items and stats that I'm not familiar with.

Anyway, I look forward to meeting with you guys and greatly appreciate all the work you've put into this site. From the sound of it it will prove extremely useful.

Post Merge: June 16, 2012, 12:44:27 PM
I forgot to mention that I was into the rare collecting/selling a little bit. Camping IDOCs was fun as well. I had houses from cottages to castles. I enjoyed pretty much every aspect of the game. I started playing in 98. I can't believe how fast time flies. 

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