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Messages - dxrom

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Games & Game Systems / Re: EVE Online
« on: July 15, 2015, 07:19:11 PM »
I still play from time to time, Been a bit busy with IRL.

You should use my reference if you buy the game, that way I get a free month :D

Off Topic / Re: ComicCon 2015
« on: July 14, 2015, 06:06:44 PM »
That beard!

General UO Chat / Re: Archer Weapon for Dragons
« on: June 13, 2015, 02:09:57 PM »
Pretty sure Yumi double shot beats out Composite AI. Or atleast it used to, when I played an Archer tact mage I carried a Yumi to kill people's dragons in about 3-5 shots.

UO Bragging Rights / Re: Funniest UO stories???
« on: June 01, 2015, 01:42:01 AM »
My house placement stories still make me chuckle.  Way back in the day on Baja, there was a large tower that had fallen, and there were a couple smaller houses that had been placed so the spot was under contention.  I had stealthed into the area and for a couple hours, I eavesdropped on the conversation between the two individuals that were going back and forth trying to buy one person or the other out so that the spot could be reverted back to a tower spot. 

This was during the time when large plots in Trammel were nearly impossible to find and before the house placement tool.  So I left for town and retrieved a large tower deed and returned to the site to lay in wait. 

Finally, the two people came to an accord and decided it was time to finalize the deal.  So with the deal done, the one guy took his gold (100K I think) and dropped his house.  They were paranoid a bit because they ran around looking for anyone, but didn't even bother to try the tracking skill.  So I just waited.  I had a screen shot of the tower in place before it fell, so I knew exactly where I needed to aim the placement in order to drop on their heads quickly.  The new "owner" dropped his house but was probably gobsmacked when within milliseconds a large tower appeared!  I had it ghosted and waiting to click 'Hell yeh, I want to place!"  I quickly un-hid and walked up onto the porch and hid again. 

They camped MY tower for 2 days after that and deposited released dragons at my doorstep.  They ranted and raved for hours after that.  This was trammel, so there wasn't alot they could do.  I beat their own stupidity over their heads like a rolled up newspaper, so they couldn't page a GM without looking stupid.  (I'm sure they tried.. )

Anyhow, I know I've told that story before and it's probably different this time.  lol

Damned near the same way I placed my first castle on Baja, still own it today :>

World of Warcraft / Re: What's the Best Online Game?
« on: June 01, 2015, 01:38:20 AM »
EVE Online

General Discussion / Re: Changing Z-axis
« on: April 23, 2015, 10:06:23 PM »
I am trying to gain access to a teleporter that is on the steps of a house and blocked on both sides. It is 1 tile higher than the steps so it is essentially a one way teleporter. ie you can leave but not enter. I will be trying soon each of the items etc above (except the tele tile since although that might work I would lose the tele after I stepped on the fixed teleporter.

Pick it up after you step on it :P

General Discussion / Re: Changing Z-axis
« on: April 23, 2015, 02:14:45 PM »
Some free servers that had "emotes" had the emote [e puke which would temporarily drop what looked like dirt or horse dung as vomit on the ground that you could walk on top of and it'd act as a ground. Not sure there are many items on official servers that do this anymore though outside of Gozas. I remember a lot of items USED to, and before the efield trick were how you would have to access castle/keep roofs. Items like pillows/cushions recovered from ship wrecks, footstools were popular (and really their only practical use), wooden benches, cloth. Off the top of my head I can say with some certainty that house teleporters (vet reward) will raise you 1 tile when stood upon.

Site News / Re: Time for new Elites? Let it be so.
« on: April 14, 2015, 03:05:50 PM »
Grats you guys :D

Also, I don't think 2011 was last, as I made Elite back in 2013 :P

OBS is pretty easy to setup, but I couldn't use it anymore because while it's recording/encoding it makes my sound crackle and drives me up a wall. :X

Stealth archive / Re: Journal Functions (Performance)
« on: April 02, 2015, 09:20:22 AM »
For bandages, you could snap shot your stamina at the time of applying a bandage and then use the healing time formula to calculate the timer, which can be affected by being hit. Or you could also use evBuff_DebuffSystem and play off the healing buff icon.

Player Templates / Re: Mace necro?
« on: March 10, 2015, 07:16:33 AM »
Are you mainly doing pvp or pvm?

Figuring he mentioned Fire/Poison weps, I think that's a pvp template.

Enough Necro/SS to cast the spells that you want to cast, then the rest of your skills for weapons, tactics/macing/anat, resist/healing. Diamond maces are pretty mean as a necro dexxer :>
Just remember, Necro allows you to cast the spell, SS affects how long it lasts on your target and how much damage say, wither or pain spike will do. Pain spike also does true damage, and will be greater towards targets without any resisting spells.

UOSteam / Re: UOSteam health bar issues?
« on: March 07, 2015, 07:05:17 AM »
Broadsword is aware of this issue, it's a bug and they are working on it.

I was going to link the thread but for some reason Stratics deleted many of the official threads. (must be something to due with the current spat going on lol)

Anyways the bugged bars are supposed to be patched very soon (:

What spat is that?  I just don't read stratics anymore.  After they lost something like 3 forum sites, I kinda gave up on them.

Lol, they just lost all of UO's "Official" presence. Every EM recently declared on stratics that they will no longer use Stratics for posting info about their events.

UOSteam / Re: UOSteam health bar issues?
« on: March 06, 2015, 05:23:37 PM »
Oh, I forgot to mention also... It wont happen if you dont have any active pets (mount, etc) or stabled pets.

UOSteam / Re: UOSteam health bar issues?
« on: March 06, 2015, 01:05:16 PM »
I dont think this issue is limited to Steam itself, I think it's persistent through the entire classic client. Guildmates of mine who don't use steam have the same issue with health bars.

It happens when you have someone's bar pulled and then either go off screen (this is hit and miss) then come back on to their screen, or when they change servers (serverline, recall, gate, etc) and you follow them and vice versa.

Public Bugs / Re: "Escape"
« on: March 06, 2015, 12:58:23 PM »
Good example of EA's erroneous misuse of gumps :P

When factions were around you were able to summon any faction guard regardless of your faction (minax hiring SL/TB/CoM and so on) the same way.

Also works with reds btw. Just be careful because this method is traceable.

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