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Messages - declo

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Scripting Chat / Re: Dungeon Entrances
« on: March 20, 2015, 01:51:40 PM »
ahhh cool!  can't wait to give it try this evening!!


Scripting Chat / Re: Dungeon Entrances
« on: March 20, 2015, 07:54:02 AM »
I am trying to move a character to the lowest level of the Fan Dancer Dungeon. 

Scripting Chat / Re: Dungeon Entrances
« on: March 20, 2015, 07:47:33 AM »
Has anyone played with While & Break commands?

question on this code
Code: [Select]
while #charposx > 900
   move 926 167 a
   If #charposx <100
   move 926 165 a
How long does the char have to be at 926 167 a before the while command become not true and thus moving on to the bit of code.  Is it instant?

I think part of my issue is I am dealing with some lag since a simple move x y a works most of the time.

btw, finally figured out how to use the code command.  Always passed over the button thinking it was a twitter insert or something.  Silly me

Scripting Chat / Dungeon Entrances
« on: March 12, 2015, 12:22:52 PM »
I am having an issue trying to enter a dungeon via the entrance (fan dancer).  Most of the time, a "move 123 123 a" with a wait 20 after works, just at times, the char doesn't enter the dungeon and the next move statement actually moves the character away from the dungeon entrance and into trouble.

For those locations that you can't recall/sacred journey to, does someone have a sub that moves the character to a spot and checks to see it has moved inside the dungeon.  Would nested IF THENs be a good solution?

Questions on TM_Loot_In_Progress:

When multiple corpses are being scanned, will TM_Loot_In_Progress ever be false in between the various corpses being looted?

Is TM_Loot_In_Progress true even during the evaulation period or just true during drag/drop?

I am trying to do a health check in between the various corpes being looted.


Scripting Tutorials / Movement & Dragging
« on: March 02, 2015, 04:03:27 PM »
I know I have read somewhere that you can do an IF Than to check if your dragging something to avoid moving while dragging.  Could someone enlighten me please.

Virtualization / Re: Tutorial - Setting up Microsoft Virtual PC 2007
« on: February 22, 2015, 08:13:33 PM »
Is VMWare still the best option?  I am new to virtualization and would like to give it a try.

Since I am on travel the last several days and have no access to UO, I decided I would read the entire 66 pages of posts on TM's truly awesome and uo life changing script.  Several thoughts:

  • The sarcasm and smart ass posts by the mods have had me in stitches that last two evenings.  Yes I am a little twisted but it's good to see I am not alone!
  • I had hoped to learn how to call CLAw from my simple farming script - Page 40
  • I had not realized that CLAw is posted on EUO and thus I needed to vote for it - DONE/ALL 10s
  • I am truly lucky to have found CLAw after the elite version was public.  I do have a better understanding of what this script can truly achieve after reviewing the pre Elite posts.

Thank you everyone for making these last several days truly entertaining as well as very educational!!

Post Merge: February 22, 2015, 08:51:32 AM
The one wish list I would have is a easy way to see what setup settings I have saved since I have different settings for different locations.

is there a way to make this loot only legendary artifacts from a corpse?

Yes, use the User Defined - Legendary Artifacts

Trying to loot everything on corpse quick to evade monster targeting and sort through the loot in the safety of my home before unraveling what remains.

Post Merge: January 30, 2015, 01:52:24 PM
Targeting mode is when you have auto looting unchecked correct?  Sorry, do not have UO in front of me to test.

I love this script!! I needed to find it years ago!!

Is possible to have the Claw scan a container rather than a corpse?  If I wanted it to repeat scan the same container, I think I saw you can set the ignore timer correct?  Thus if I set it to 30 rather than 600, after 30 seconds it would scan the original container again, correct?

If is possible to scan a container rather than a corpse, can I get a little direction as too how?

Misc. Scripts / Re: TrailMyx's Buy Agent Subs
« on: June 03, 2014, 10:26:20 AM »
Yes, that's what the pixel scanning does in this set of subs.  Just like for quest item marking, I use this sub to locate the "Buy" in the context dropdown of the NPC.  So it should handle any position changes found from NPC to NPC.

To be honest, it's been so long since I've looked at these so I kinda forget how they work.  lol

Is it possible to purchase 2 items within the loop?


gosub TM_BuyAgent_ID %npc_id OIK 5 %npc_id QSK 5

Script development tools / Re: Trailmyx's Runebook/Spellcast Subs
« on: June 01, 2014, 06:04:58 PM »
ahh ty!! worked like a charm!!

Script development tools / Re: Trailmyx's Runebook/Spellcast Subs
« on: May 31, 2014, 12:28:01 PM »
I am using EUO 263 on Atlantic.  Very little lag.  Trying to use

gosub TM_TravelFromRunebook RE 1 3 %runebookid ;

The script opens the book and selects rune #1. But then attempts to recall but never targets the book.  The target icon shows, but then it tries to recall again without ever targeting the book.

Is there something silly that I am missing?

I tried adjusting the lag time from 10 to 60 to see if that would allow the script to target the runebook but it never does even at 60.

New member introductions / I have fallen off the wagon yet again....
« on: April 06, 2012, 12:19:08 PM »
In short, I am a UO-aholic.  I began playing UO back in 99.  How UO has changed over the years!

I was introduced to EUO in 2003 and have found that UO can not be enjoyed without EUO.  While I do not consider myself a master scripter, I can find my way around a script and make modifications when needed.

I stepped away from UO in 2009 due to family & work commitments.  After a 2 years, I fell off the wagon and have jumped back into the world of Britannia.

I own a successful business which allows me free time to explore my inner UO-youth.  When not engulfed in UO fun, I spend my time golfing and traveling.  I have visited all but 7 states over the last 40+ years and hope to see those 7 in the next few years.

My family has never caught the UO bug, but we do have alot of fun together and enjoy our time together.

Ask away if you have any further questions!

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