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Topics - 12TimesOver

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76 is not a bug forum however this particular bug has been discussed openly for quite some time and is extremely useful. I'm sure it won't be long before it's patched if it isn't already but in the meantime, here you go.

Steps for moving mass quantities/weight between houses or bankbox/house.

1) Two accounts or a friend
2) Source and target locations must be on the same sub-server and facet (use UOAM to determine)
3) Must be enough storage available in the target house or bankbox to receive the items (yes, it seems obvious but believe me I forget to check this more often than I care to admit)

Process - example moving from house to bank
1) Figure out what town is on the same subserver as your house
2) Have a rune marked to the bank on "mover" char
3) Both accounts/chars logged in at house
4) Lock down a bag on the floor
5) Put another bag into the first bag, fill this bag with whatever you want to move (other containers can be put in this bag
6) Unlock the bag
7) Character 2 opens the bag and drags the second bag onto cursor
 Character 1 picks up now empty bag from flooor, recalls to bank, and puts empty bag in the bankbox
9) Character 2 now closes UO by clicking the "X" in the window - this simulates UO crashing
10) If everything is done correctly, the bag that Character 2 had on his cursor when closing the UO client should now be back in the first bag which has been moved to your bankbox

1)The same thing can be accomplished by preparing a bag in another container then simply dropping it on the ground or floor of your house, you don't need to lock the bag down to make this work. This is how you would do it to move items from bank to house for example, just don't do it at Luna bank or something
2) If this fails the bag will drop to the ground where Character 2 was holding it when they closed their client so be careful. Causes of failure include not meeting the requirements listed above

That's it. Like I said, I've used this to move between two houses on the same subserver as well.


Scripting Chat / Menu talk
« on: January 19, 2009, 02:50:12 PM »
Question perhaps not worthy of an entire thread but nevertheless...

I'm working on a script that will benefit from the use of a multi-menu UI. As one piece of the setup is complete I want to retire the menu. I'm assuming that the "menu hide" command leaves the menu accessible thus in memory, is this correct? Any negative repercussions to using the menu hide then loading other menus?

As always, any input is greatly appreciated!


Scripting Chat / Dynamic var creation based on %0 value of a gosub?
« on: January 08, 2009, 07:51:00 AM »
Not sure if I'm on the right track here, any thoughts? I want to have a sub that accepts an unknown number of parameters and performs actions based on each parameter then moves on to the next. I think I have it conceptually but I know I'm not quite there.

So the example is something like the following. I want to pass on an unknown number of vendor properties then scan for a vendor matching one of those properties. Would this be easier to do if I passed a string more like "Property1_Property2_Property3" then match this against #property? I'm new at this so bear with me!

Code: [Select]
Gosub Findvendor Blacksmith Weaponsmith Etc

;Sub FindVendor
; %1 Vendor property 1
; %2 Vendor property 2
; %3 etc
sub findvendor
   Namespace Push
   Namespace Local XIIxFindVendor
   for %Loop 1 %0
      set %tmp
      set %Property %tmp.%Loop   ;<-----Want %Property = Blacksmith then Weaponsmith then Etc
      finditem !VendorTypes G_8
      if #findkind <> -1
         event property #findid
         if %Property in #property
            set %vendor #findid
            ignoreitem reset vendors
            Namespace Clear
            Namespace Pop
            return #true
   ignoreitem reset vendors
   Namespace Clear
   Namespace Pop
return #false

This is also my first attempt at integrating Namespaces as I totally see the value now, especially when trying to develop standardized subs. In this particular case I'm not quite sure how to return the value of %vendor if I Clear and Pop before the return but not sure how else to do that. Do I need to do a Copy first?


I am so annoyed right now with cell phone companies.

My daughter is only 8 but I would like to get her a cell phone. Now don't get me wrong or hold it against me; I'm not interested in pushing her to grow up faster or bring on even more of the overwhelming sense of responsibility kids face today at far too young of an age. However, with household schedules growing more and more hectic between girl scouts, dance classes for wife, dance classses for kids, over 30 basketball league for dad, volunteer schedules, fresh air kids, camping, soccer, mentoring, etc, etc it is becoming increasingly obvious that a method of communication made available to my daughter would add in a positive way to my familys quality of life.

Now, with that said, I am not going to get my daughter a cell phone anytime soon and here is why.

For starters, I am not at all pleased with the fact that I want to get her a phone to begin with. It just feels wrong to me. The fact that I'd even consider it makes me feel low, like I've given up or that I have no integrity. I can't tell you how much it makes my stomach turn when I see two teenagers walking down the street together talking on two seperate cell phones rather than to one another. Or, even worse, the sheer number of people I see regularly gabbing away in their car during their commute, in line at the grocery store, in a booth at the local pizza place, even on the treadmill at the gym (yes, right next to me for 45 minutes). Have you ever driven down the street and counted the number of cellphones you see up to people's ears in just a single block? And if the phone isn't there the earbuds from the iPods are!

In this culture of video gaming, blogging, Facebook, Myspace, voice mail, email, self service gas pumps, and self checkout lines at Home Depot we certainly spend an innordinate amount of time, energy, and money not interacting directly with other human beings. In the meantime our society, no... scratch that, the human race is spinning uncontrollably down the toilet. I just erased paragraphs of venting about the dangers of bringing children into this world from this post because I realized I was heading further from my point in posting this rant. Suffice it to say that it is my belief that the ever-growing disconnect between us and our neighbors thus our community thus our world is at large the reason we are dying.

Now, with all of this said I still feel that I could open my mouth, gently suck in the bait, and let the hook sink deeply into my cheek. I can actually see good, positive reasons to have a cell phone for my daughter. Maybe not now, maybe when she's nine or maybe when she's eleven, or 13, who knows. Point is that it's probably going to happen sooner or later. Here is the biggest reason it won't be now, no control. I want a cell service that allows me to block everything. Yes, everything! All incoming calls, all outgoing calls, all incoming text messages, all outgoing text messages, all downloads, all software installations, all picture sending, all picture receiving, all email, all Internet, all everything! Then, I want to be able to enable some things. To start, for my 8 year old, it would be the ability to send and receive calls to and from a very short list of numbers including mom and dad cellphones, home, work, and emergency contacts. Maybe some other family members. Then, if earned by being responsible, slowly add a few friends; perhaps allow more time based on a good report card or another number to call based on a good track record at home.

I have been doing this with firewalls for 13 years. I do it with my daughters Internet connection today. But so far I have not found a single goddamned cell phone company that supports it. I can pay $4.99 per month per phone line for some basic features but they are all limited in that I can only block a small list of numbers; with Verizon you get 20, AT&T it's 15 - they all have a package. What about the other 20 million numbers I want to block? Nevermind why this is a fee I have to pay, why can't I block everything? Why do I have to pay for unsolicited marketing text messages at $.20 a pop? Why is it ok for a company to force me into an unlimited text package just to not receive services?

So, I'm sorry for this rant, I just had to dump it somewhere. Hopefully you don't all think I'm nuts or, if you do, you at least don't hold it against me! I've got to get going, I have to pick up my three year old. Guess what he asked me for the other day? Yeah, if you read this you already know. A three year old! It's a sad, sad state of affairs we are in.


Off Topic / Microsoft Live Mesh
« on: November 22, 2008, 05:00:37 AM »
So has anybody played around with this yet? Microsoft Live Mesh allows you to synchronize folders between devices and a web share so that you have a completely up to date copy of the folders contents on every machine you add. So, for example, I added my EasyUO directory as a synch folder, added my Home PC and Laptop as devices to my mesh, and am now synchronizing between C:\Games\EasyUO on my laptop and D:\Games\EasyUO on my desktop. In the meantime, it also keeps a folder in my Live Mesh storage on the web synch'd as well so that I can access the content from devices that don't have the client installed.

There are a couple other technologies out there that do this too. I got sick of having to continuously email files back and forth from work/laptop/desktop/etc or using USB key's. I'll keep this thread updated with my findings.

If anyone is interested in checking it out here is the URL:

Oh, and most importantly, it's free which is a lot more than what you can typically say about Microsoft.


Scripting Languages / Very cool Java resource
« on: November 12, 2008, 11:14:50 AM »
Anybody ever check out JavaRanch? I actually have toyed around with the idea of bringing this concept to our little home here regarding EasyUO scripting (I started thinking about it back in the UOC days).

This is a great Java resource however the real value is their Cattle Drive program which is a fee-based system but it is extremely cool. It is basically a self-paced training process whereby you learn by doing through constructive input from your peers.

I can't do the description justice, if you care you have to just check it out.


Scripting Chat / Resbot - Looking for input
« on: November 03, 2008, 11:15:00 AM »
I'm just having trouble thinking about how to code this logic, looking for insight from someone else.

I would like to have a character hide in a spot and wait for some type of key activity to initiate a res then hide again. So, for example, the script scans the journal for a passphrase. Once passphrase = #TRUE it loads the speaker as the last target and res's them.

I'm just confused as to how I would parse the appropriate information from the journal so that I can compare it to the name of a character on screen. Or is there a better way to do it?

A kick in the direction of a similar routine would be welcome as well, I remember there being a decent BOT script on UOC at one time, not sure who owned that one.

Thanks much gents!


Scripting Chat / Looping without GoTo
« on: October 31, 2008, 11:12:43 AM »
Just a quick one here.

In the quest for learning alternative methods for setting up loops within my scripts without the use of GoTo statements (just a personal quest to enhance my creative thinking) I wondered if the following example is syntacticly accurate in it's use of the #RETURN sysvar preloaded with a value. I've done this before with my own user vars but just wondered what other people thought about this as a general practice.

This example uses TM's Gumpwait sub which returns #FALSE if the timeout value is reached before the Gump is found.

Code: [Select]
   while #RESULT = FALSE
      set #lobjectid %Container
      event macro 17
      gosub GumpWait Generic_Gump Generic_Gump
      finditem %ItemInContainer
      if #findkind <> 1
         set #RESULT #FALSE
      else set #RESULT #TRUE

Thanks for your input!


Movie Review / City of Ember
« on: October 14, 2008, 09:33:32 AM »
All I can say is wow, what an excellent movie! I'm sure that the fact that I have not read the book helps but I thought this was an excellent flick and my 8-year old daughter agrees.

If you've never heard of the flick welcome to the club. This film, in my opinion, had damn near blockbuster potential but there was little to no pre-marketing whatsoever. I only heard about it four days before it was released (10/10) from a guy at work who happened to catch a preview the night before.

Bill Murray plays a food-hording, crooked mayor of an underground city built to save humankind from some sort of apocolyptic event we never really hear much about. The city is meant to last 200 years but this information and the information as to how to get out of the city is lost over time. Tim Robbins plays the father of one of the kids that figure this out and try to find a way out of the city to save mankind.

Check out the web site for trailers and clips -

XIIxOveR gives it two thumbs up!


Bug discussion / Global and Persistent Vars not in Var list
« on: September 03, 2008, 12:20:19 PM »
Probably already been discussed before but I just happened to notice that the User Variables only lists Locals. Wasn't sure if this was by design or already known so I figured I'd mention it here just in case.


Off Topic / Cell phone upgrade time...
« on: September 02, 2008, 12:19:04 PM »
So my Verizon Wireless "new every two" was up over a year ago but i like my hacked Razr VC3. Unfortunately my wife's phone is dying and I want us to have the same phone so it's time to upgrade (I wouldn't mind one with Micro SD support anyhow).

So, any Verizon Wireless customers out there have a recommendation? I want MicroSD support, mini-USB connection so my VC3 chargers, etc will still work, and something that is flexible regarding hacking and customizing firmware/unlocking.

Any thoughts?

Thanks for any input!


Movie Review / House Bunny
« on: September 02, 2008, 10:36:40 AM »
Yup, I went and saw it yesterday. You can thank my wife.

Basically a sorority-based Revenge of the Nerds really but with more cleavage and bare skin. Dumb movie. Had a couple of LOL scenes but it was painful at best. Out of 5 stars I would give it 2 and that's only because I liked the skin even though it was PG-13 skin and I did laugh a couple of times.

My wife thought it was hilarious.


Movie Review / 21
« on: August 19, 2008, 09:33:32 AM »
Have you even heard of this movie? Kevin Spacey, Jim Sturgess, Kate Boswell, and a whole slew of others you may or may not have heard of that remind you of existing actors/actresses play MIT students/faculty that develop a card counting system for taking the Vegas blackjack tables to the cleaners.

This was actually a pretty good movie overall. There were little quirks here and there where I felt the dialog was a little contrived and the movie overall had the feeling of some movies that have been done many times before but I found myself fully entertained for the duration. Only a semi-nude scene of Kate from the back and side but it was a PG-13 movie so I'm not sure what I was hoping for :P (yeah, I know... I know).

Man, Kevin Spacey can really put out a child molester vibe can't he?

Definitely worth a watch. It's not at the theater anymore but it should still be a new release at most video rental venues (including RedBox).

I'd like to hear what others think of the system they use and whether or not it is theoretically sound :)


Off Topic / This is some funny stuff!!
« on: August 11, 2008, 06:20:24 AM »
If you haven't seen the series "The Guild" you have got to take the half hour or so it will take to get through all 10 episodes. If you are curious, start with episode 1 and go from there :-)

I almost wet me knickers!


Movie Review / Shutter
« on: August 05, 2008, 03:31:16 AM »
You may or may not have heard of this release but it recently made it to DVD and I had the bum luck to have had to sit through it Sunday night.

I was really looking forward to watching a good, creepy movie when I picked this up. Boy did I pick the wrong movie. Perhaps if the concept hadn't been so overplayed that it's become cliche or, just maybe, if the writing wasn't so bad that it was reminiscent of watching a bunch of 6th graders put on their rendition of Grease at the local elementary school gym or maybe even if the direction was better than the directions you would get from an old Mainer sitting on the front porch of the general store ("uh-yeuh, you-ah gonna wanna head up route one they-ah 'til you pass the Tannah's old propahty. Damn place went up like a box of matches sher 'nuff, nevah seen nothin' like it. All grown ovah now though so gonna be tough to find it..."

Alas, it wasn't to be. Joshua Jackson and Rachael Taylor couldn't even save this with what I thought was excellent acting jobs as a result of the bad writing (the dialog wasn't believable for a second) and bad direction. They didn't have a chance. Even the couple of Rachael Taylor panty shots couldn't bring this old man back to life.

They should have named this movie Shudder, not because it was scary but because I shudder to think  that I spent a dollar on this at my local Redbox.

If you've never watched another thriller/ghost/horror movie before you might enjoy this one simply because the concept will be fresh and you'll have nothing good to compare it to.


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