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Messages - jamesbond

Pages: [1]
New member introductions / Re: Introduction UO addict 20years
« on: June 09, 2020, 09:47:25 PM »
Glad to be here! :)

New member introductions / Introduction UO addict 20years
« on: June 09, 2020, 04:15:30 PM »
Hello everyone,
My name in game is Derick and I have played UO from 2000 when I just graduated from high school. (guess how old am I now lol).
That was summer vacation with no homework (yeah we have lot of homework) and internet just got populated and that was when I started enter into Britannia. The version was Third dawn or such even when I bought pirated (sorry) client CD to install client on computers in my college. Then Modain's legacy (this sticks long?), Samaria Empire, High sea, Endless Journey, etc.

World changed a lot both UO and real world. I couldn't play the game "full time", but only time to time, as lots of life things going on and connection in our country is not good, mostly I had to do PVM. It has been 20 years now, how time flies.

I played use Razor or UOsteam most of the time till recently my old eyes asking for high FPS brought me to clients like Classic, Orion, Xuo (not work for me), and I stumble up the SUO too. It feels fun (isn't game for fun?) when you can hook to server with a simple stealth client and even script, so I am very interested.

A little real live, I have my family now and work in trading business of housewares.

If anything more need to added will do later. Thanks for watching.

Stealth scripts / Re: [Stealth V8.10, ScriptSDK] Tidus Lumberjacker
« on: June 09, 2020, 03:59:41 PM »
eager to study and set up

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