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Topics - Pwnography

Pages: [1]
New member introductions / HI EVERYBODY!!
« on: December 15, 2012, 07:43:21 PM »
Hi I just recently came back after about 2 years (100+ month old account) I started on Catskills and Lake Austin and moved around a bit. I currently still have a few characters on catskills but I mostly play on Chessy. During my absence I lost all my soulstones with all the skills I had worked up over time... mostly using euo. Now im back (like every other good UO addict) for the pvp and mmorpg I still have found to be unmatched. I'm here to basically continue and catch me up to the current times. With funds and time limited, as im an adult now, I must do best with what I have. BTW I live in Austin so im still pretty ticked about the move.

New member introductions / New to Scriptuo
« on: December 15, 2012, 07:02:04 PM »
I just came back to uo from about a 2 year break. I was a frequent used of euo and understand its not available for all scripts anymore. Im looking to work inscription and trying to find a useful script! Can I get some help?

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