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Messages - Pop Rock

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OpenEUO Scripting Chat / Re: OEUO 0.91?
« on: April 16, 2014, 03:55:10 PM »
Another one that forget to run as Admin.   Almost need a return to UO thread :)

One: I did Xd I looked up threads before posting this DX if anyone knows how to get my easyuo to work, I'd love em for ever! I've downloaded the most recent one and now I'm on patch and its not recognizing the client :'(
Two: yes, yes you do XDDD or maybe just a section that's like "Coming back" and has all the up to date stuff XDDD

Worked for me as of yesterday.... :)

What are you running TM? 0.0

OpenEUO Scripting Chat / OEUO 0.91?
« on: April 16, 2014, 12:59:34 PM »
Ok, so recently I've gotten back into UO after being away... long story short I redownloaded easyuo, uo, uosteam, and razor. easyuo doesn't work anymore so I'm tryng to covert my scripts to OEUO, I've already got EN's converter, but now I realized that OEUO isn't even recognizing the client on razor or steam... is there a new version somewhere I didn't see or what?

Off Topic / Re: Need help getting back into UO:(
« on: April 13, 2014, 03:58:57 PM »
Did you look at Crome's guide?

I have now lol but I'm still getting problems:( I'm going to post it in the stealth client forum instead though, that way it's in a related forum lmao

Off Topic / Re: Need help getting back into UO:(
« on: April 10, 2014, 12:58:04 PM »
Ok, so I've got stealth but honestly, I can safely say I have no idea what I'm doing on this... is there a walkthrough anywhere that's not in german? 0.0

Off Topic / Re: Need help getting back into UO:(
« on: April 09, 2014, 04:09:41 PM »
Thank you TM!!! I'm trying it out now!

Off Topic / Re: Need help getting back into UO:(
« on: April 09, 2014, 01:01:32 PM »
Ok, nvm bout the OpenUO lmao, I just figured it out and it seems to be useful:) but is there by chance a translator from euo to oeuo? like not just for subs but translating an entire script?

Off Topic / Re: Need help getting back into UO:(
« on: April 09, 2014, 12:30:02 PM »

Off Topic / Re: Need help getting back into UO:(
« on: April 08, 2014, 01:56:18 PM »
For stealth, seeing as it uses a completely different language, it there a program out there that can convert my euo scripts into stealth? The reason I ask is because I have hundred and hundreds of scripts, some of them +1,000 lines long... and I'm unable to use them :'( it would be really helpful if such a program existed XDD but if it doesn't no sweat lol

ScriptUO- what languages does it support? like if I start using stealth, will it check that also? or does it only do euo? 0.0

EasUO- honestly, is it even worth the hassle anymore? I mean I love it to death but after being away for over a year I don't really remember a lot of the scripting stuff lmao. If it isn't worth the hassle, what would you suggest?

Off Topic / Need help getting back into UO:(
« on: April 08, 2014, 01:38:02 PM »
So this last week I have finally been able to sit down, load uo, easyuo, uosteam, etc... I have been gone for over a year on personal business and have not even logged into ScriptUO let alone uo in that time. :( and now there's new stuff I have no idea what is!! XD

I guess what I'm hoping this post will accomplish is to put myself in touch with someone who can help me figure everything out, like what is this stealth client, scriptuo application, why euox won't work with my client anymore, etc... I feel like a noob again looking at all the posts and thinking, "What in the world are they talking about!?"

If anyone has the time to get in touch with me, I would very much appreciate it!!

Scripting Chat / Re: Can someone help me?
« on: December 14, 2011, 05:02:26 PM »
My mistake again.. Twinkle McNugget isn't the aurthor Cervesa is XD Sorry about that Cervesa, I got a couple of scripts mixed up, sorry:(

Scripting Chat / Re: Can someone help me?
« on: December 13, 2011, 05:00:34 PM »
Ok, sorry it took so long guys, my laptop that I use for pretty much everything crashed... Gave me the blue screen of death and wouldn't come back on...  :'( Saying that, I apparetly didn't back up most of my newer scripts, soo I'm trying to redo from memory my most of my scripts that I was modifying/making...

But saying all that, what I was trying to do, is get a follow script into the modified script... but seeing as I need permission, I might just have to make my own script XD... Question though, is it... what's the word? I guess it's illeagal to use Twinkle McNugget's as a refrence? What I'm trying to say, is can I like use it as a refrence to know what to do? Does that make sense? XD

P.S. Thanks for letting me know this:)

Scripting Chat / Can someone help me?
« on: December 09, 2011, 05:12:49 PM »
Ok, I've been disecting Twinkle McNugget's script "Honor and Attack" (at least that's what I saved it as XD). Anyways, I took it apart, and put it back together to suit what i needed it for right? Well, I need some help with adding a sub in. But my problem is that I don't want to post the whole script until its done (for obvious (I hope XD) reasons XD). I know there are some really good scripters here, I just need some help... I would rather PM the script, so if anyone would be willing to use their time to help me, that would be great XD.

Scripting Chat / Re: BoS sub help please??
« on: April 09, 2011, 01:41:23 PM »
Ok, I've talked with one of my scripter friends and this is what I've come up with:

Code: [Select]
set %bosid CKF
set %lootbag MUNJOMD

gosub sendkits

sub sendkits
finditem HAG C_ , %lootbag
set %tool #findid
if #findcnt = 0

finditem %bosid C_ , #backpackid
if #findcnt = 0 
  Event sysmessage NO BOS!!
set #lobjectid %bosid
set #ltargetid %tool
set #ltargetkind 1
event macro 17 0
target event macro 22 0
But what is happening now is nothing it's like the script can't find anything... and he can't figure it out either :/ Can anyone help?

Scripting Chat / BoS sub help please??
« on: April 09, 2011, 06:59:03 AM »
Ok I'm trying to make a BoS sub to to look for the BoS, a certain item, if there is that certain item there, use the BoS on it and then return to the script, so far i have this...

set %bosid CKF

gosub sendkits

sub sendkits
finditem HAG C_ , #backpackid
 if #findkind = -1
   finditem %bosid C_ , #backpackid
   set #lobjectid %bosid
   set #ltargetid HAG
   event macro 17 0
   wait 5s
   event macro 22 0

Am i doing this right?? I looked at TM's sub but that won't work for me becasue I dont need a certain weight to send it... So I decided to make my own and i'm having trouble.. can anyone help me??

Scripting Chat / Re: Scripting help please?
« on: January 20, 2011, 04:05:28 PM »
Haha that worked thanks guys :)

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