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Messages - Guinness

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New member introductions / I am Guinness
« on: November 14, 2012, 09:01:42 AM »
Hello everyone. I am Guinness from Atlantic and I am all craft and no play. I just stumbled upon this nice site a few minutes ago, and am looking forward to trying out some things, giving some ratings, and hopefully sharing some of my own scripts as well :) I spend most of my game life since 1997, crafting for all to be great. I am just now starting to venture into runic fletching and dovetail kits, and finding it very time consuming lol. But i will survive! I am very glad to have found this site and hope it is still very active :)

A bit-O-Guinness: I started out on the server Chese back in 1997 when UO was still very fresh to the world. I began my journey as a lonely crafter looking for a life in a world of reds and polite killers. My first real red experience was with a man named David Wallace, who later on became a life long friend of mine. I was all alone, picking cotton for gold outside of moonglow, when a man dressed up like a mage approached me and began to ask what I was doing all alone, so far from town. I began to explain to him that i was only out to pick some cotton and was going to retreat back to MoonGlow and turn it into the tailor shop for some gold. He asked me how much cotton I had and if i needed any assistance on getting back to town. I replied with " no sir, I can manage just fine, but thank you for the offer". He said that it was his pleasure and began to Cor Por me to death. With only my smith hammer, some cotton, and a pack horse, I was defenseless to his magery skills. I died with a smile. After my sudden death, Mr. Wallace brought be back to life and decided that he needed to keep my cotton for cost of the reagents that he used to kill me and bring me back to life. I agreed, as I did use some of his reagents to take damage and I also did need to be brought back to life, so i obliged.

Mr. David Wallace and I played together for nearly 10 years until he had a fatal car accident several years back. May he R.I.P.

After his death, I moved to Great Lakes with my crafter and began to make a name for myself there, until i was met with a Guild called DC, and we did not see eye to eye. That being said, I was forced to take my belongings and moved my crafters to Atlantic where I have found a new home and have mad Guinness a very good name for himself and enjoy crafting for everyone and run a vendor mall with the best prices on Atlantic today! I have owned the guild name Crafters Of Britannia for almost 6 years now, and that is also the name of my shop.

I craft to peoples needs. I only sell to them if they are 100% satisfied with the suit and all they need. If not, back to work. I do a wide range of suits from starter sets, to 500m+. I cater to all and just try to help :) I am not planning on going anywhere. Guinness is here to stay :)

Most like to call me a noob, and I can accept that, even though I have been here since the beginning, I am a noob to things like pvp, being an ass, being a child, and so on and so forth. =) I do not PvP, as I am a pure crafter / gatherer. But beware. My gatherer does pack a mean punch as many have found through the years. I am a fel man, and forever will be. Just the other day I had 2 mages approached me in Minoc and decided to try and gank me and take my iron. That did not go so well for them as they both fell to my axe. But I do not PvP. I only craft things for PvP  ;)

If you ever see my gatherer Franklins Tower wondering fel, please feel free to say hello, as I am just out to gather items, not to fight, however, I will if need be. ehehe

Questing / Re: ScriptUO Heartwood Quester 1.29 with Advanced CLAw support
« on: November 14, 2012, 08:38:15 AM »
hey :) So i tried using this in EasyUO and it will not do anything. Is there a tool I need to use this script other than EUO? I just joined this site to try things out and would love to get this working ;)

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