Its a FANTASTIC script, but it will go for about 1 hour or so, mostly stops at right around 100k in points.
I play EA Shard, And I will recall right next to Elias, and i have changed spots, and it will say Msg: Not close Enough to Elias-FIX IT- Script Paused. (Mace and Shields).
So again, thanks Gen anyway I can help LMK.
Post Merge: October 30, 2009, 03:18:21 PM
This is were it is stopping at. Buys axes, then goes to library and just stops.
namespace pop
return #true
sub s7ScanJournalFor
set !SJFje #jindex + 1
for !SJFji %1 !SJFje
scanjournal !SJFji
for !SJFpi 2 %0
if % . !SJFpi in #journal
return #true
return #false
Post Merge: October 30, 2009, 09:29:17 PM
Im thinking it might have something to do with my sleep setting on my computer. I have switched it and everything seems to be running well. I am at 220k of points and its been hit and miss in the start but now over 150k of points without a hitch.