Scripting Resources & Utilities > Screen images

First screenshot of the User Interface creator


As you can see from this screen shot, you can create and modify multiple menus contained in a script.  You can also cut/paste controls between menus.

ScriptUO will automatically look through your code at each subroutine you have.  If it's made up of > 90% "menu" commands, then ScriptUO assumes this is a menu definition.  This assumption works well as you can see from the drop down.

Also, here's an interesting thing the EasyUO menu designer can't do.  Suppose you have code that actually executes to form your user interface.  There's no way that the EasyUO MD can have looping constructs like FOR, WHILE, REPEAT/UNTIL, GOTO within a menu subroutine.   Since ScriptUO uses the same parser/tokenizer/language evaluator for the menu as it does for the execution of a script, you can have complex views of your script menus.  Here's an example:

And here's the resulting menu:

As you can see, the FOR loop creates 5 different buttons, all moved in the X direction.  Try that with EasyUO and its Menu designer.  ;)

This is really for PREVIEWING more than anything.  If you try and actually edit this menu, you'll create a mess. 

That is some serious cool stuff. Wish I had more time available to play with some of it...

Maybe in a few weeks I'll come back strong.


--- Quote from: Cerveza on June 23, 2008, 06:04:44 PM ---That is some serious cool stuff. Wish I had more time available to play with some of it...

Maybe in a few weeks I'll come back strong.

--- End quote ---

Yeh, this is the part of this whole thing I've been waiting to start.  But I had to create a mountain of infrastructure to be able to make it work.

I have control sizing and moving finished now as well; not an easy feat in .NET; have to do it by hand.
But it'll be nice to have you back up in the saddle again.  If gC can make it back, then I'm sure you can too!


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