Scripting Resources & Utilities > General Announcements

Welcome to ScriptUO!


Hello everyone.  Thank you for stopping by.  I'm TrailMyx and I've been a behind-the-scenes turbo-scripter for over 7 years now.  During that time, I have gotten used to issues with EasyUO and always wondered what life would be like with a tool that has more useful features for the script developer.  That's where ScriptUO came from.  

I have to say now that I have enormous respect for Cheffe at EasyUO.  His work re-invigorated my love for UO and I found a whole new level of fun to be had with a tired old game.  So thank you Cheffe!

Eventually this program may turn into an EasyUO replacement.  For now, it's a great development tool that will aid your script development needs.  

So if you are script author, I'd love for you to try out ScriptUO.  This should make working on large scripts much more enjoyable.  Also if you are new to scripting, the embedded help features will help you get accustomed to the language syntax.

If you are a script user, you will find most of my scripts that were originally published on and

Hi and welcome,



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