Scripting Resources & Utilities > General Discussion

Whats the point of the ScriptUO download?

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I downloaded the program but it's been disabled (Won't run any scripts)

Whats the point of uploading a program that's been deliberately disabled?

It was originally written to help the script author.  If you've ever written a script, you'll really appreciate the features of it.  If you downloaded it to run scripts, that's really not what it's for.  But it's clearly stated in several places here that ScriptUO is a developers tool.  No deception intended.


--- Quote from: Seragon on July 06, 2011, 03:08:30 PM ---I downloaded the program but it's been disabled (Won't run any scripts)

Whats the point of uploading a program that's been deliberately disabled?

--- End quote ---
You might want to check in on the rules here before posting.



Another disgruntled EUO user who just can't live a few days without his scripts. He searched the interwebz and found us, what he thought was a solution to not using EUO for a few days. Alas he has no desire to join the community here, but just take what he desires and bookmark this site for the next time. What ho! Turns out that this isn't what he wanted. Forsooth and bedazzeled he posts to complain.

No, this one doesn't read and really has no clue what we are about. His thirst unquenched he leaves us now, never to return.

That's Cerveza channelling the spirit of Dennis Miller.


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