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Re: New Char, New Shard, an Essay.
« Reply #15 on: July 27, 2009, 05:16:29 AM »
Update 7-27

  Well, my Dad has come and gone, we had a GREAT time! Did some RL fishing and managed to catch fish..was different not having to yell "slow forward...all stop" all the time LOL!

  I have pretty much quit farming ToT's as the prices on all of those dropped off since the event has gone on so long, instead I have spent my time farming HW since the drop rate there has gone up so much since the last patch.

 Paulonius was kind enough to offer me a vendor at his house (Thanks Paul!!) just outside the S entrance to Luna, and I have put it to work for me. I sold off almost all the Tok dyes I had collected and hadn't sold in the bank, resold the poison katana I bought for golem training, and was sitting on about 4M on the vendor. I have since sold off 6 HW runic saws on the vendor, and it is now sitting with approx 70M on him. Couple that with the 80M I have in the bank and I have turned the original 5M starting seed into a little over 150M. I also tore up my old 9-14 house and found a spot to place a 15-14 so a little more storage.

 Since runics are still selling good, and dropping good I will stay with those until the market starts to drop off..then I will horde some until SA comes out, I think they will make a rebound for awhile as players try to train and use unraveling. I think even the low end runics (oak and ash) will be worth more after SA then they are now so I am hanging onto every one I get. Since the drop rate on runics has (in my opinion) gone up by a factor of about 8 I created yet a another char on Atlantic. I used a different acct that my quester was on and started him with 50 Magery, and 50 Lumberjacking. Trained magery up to 65 real fast using Super Bob, and then set him to work chopping logs so that my quester never had to stop questing to gather resources.

 So, approx 40 days after starting this so far I have made 4 chars. My finished Whammy, My repair (smith, tinker, tailor) Char, My Heartwood Quester char, and my dedicated Lumberjack char. I have turned 5M into 4 chars, all the gear they need, a house, and 150M gold....

  I will update again soon, and let you know how its goin!
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Re: New Char, New Shard, an Essay.
« Reply #16 on: July 28, 2009, 05:10:34 AM »
Ecellent work.. keep us updated.
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Re: New Char, New Shard, an Essay.
« Reply #17 on: August 06, 2009, 05:19:14 AM »
Update: 8-6

  Well, this will be my last update for a little while. My Father-in-Law will be here on 8-8 and staying for 8 days, then ST's and my best friend will be here the 19th-24th, so we are going to be spending the next couple of weeks fishing and sight seeing...I will of course have some sort of script running almost every day before we leave the house, just dont know if I will have the time to come here and update for awhile.

  Runic's have still been dropping extra good, so I turned one of the support char's into a full time LJ (I used to have my HW quester and LJ be one and the same) so now I have 2 GM Lumberjacks. I didnt want to take the time to stop my questing to chop wood, and a seperate lumberjack can easily supply my quester, and even get way ahead!

  I have been selling all of my HW runics in the bank (tons of ppl in the bank at Atl all day) and selling my Ash and Yew runics on my vendor. On the first day I set my vendor Paulonious also wrote his tutorial on making gold I have tried to follow his advice and keep my vendor stocked...I believe it is working well, as I think I have built up a rep as always having some runic tools on him. Even when FindUO is days behind I seem to be selling out almost daily of all my "lesser" runics.

  Prices on runics have dropped as much as 40% but I havent stopped questing yet. I figure if I can avg a HW runic or two a night making gold this way is still far easier and faster then anything else with the possible exception of idoc'ing which will be the next thing I try.

 Since the whole idea for me being here is to make a large amount of gold to buy items (WAY cheaper) to take back to Sonoma, I am doing the things that make me gold the fastest. It seems to be working.  I am 49 days on this shard (and lost 5 of those while my father was here) so 44 days in reality, started with the Xfer of 5 Mil gold from 12TimesOver and now have 1/4 of a Billion gold! Thats right..I have turned 5 mil into 250Mil pretty easily (Thanks a LOT to ToT and Faster HW drop) If those two things had not occured at this particular time I am not sure how much gold I would have. I suspect probably around 100M or so as I would still have been questing, and idoc'ing, and probably harvesting Miasma.

  I will update again in a few weeks, My guess is that while all the company is here at our house I will  be running my hw quester some (who cares about a 72 hour ban when your not around to play anyway) I will be running it with EN's Overseer, so I should be ok anyway! Since I have around 1M boards now, I will more then likely set up my miner to run all that time. I think there will be a LARGE market for iron Ingots, and mined up Gems once SA is released, so I will let my miner do his thing for a couple weeks, then sell all of that stuff off when the time comes. 2 weeks of mining 23/7 should net 2-3M ingots I would think and I believe the prices on Iron ingots could hit 30gp+ each, so 3M ingots @ 30 each = 90M + Gems as an added bonus.

  Ok next update will be around the 25th of Aug or so, so stay tuned!
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Re: New Char, New Shard, an Essay.
« Reply #18 on: August 06, 2009, 08:17:57 AM »
Very cool project, glad I could be of some small service. 

Btw, for sheep pen I have a couple of suits of repair armor that give 70 physical. 
This coin declares Caesar is "Dictator for Life." He did serve as Dictator for the remainder of his life, but his life would end only a few weeks after this issue. For Caesar to put his image on coins and essentially declare himself king was too much for Brutus and his republican allies.

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Offline ToptwoTopic starter

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Re: New Char, New Shard, an Essay.
« Reply #19 on: October 07, 2009, 07:49:49 PM »
OK, here is the next installment.

  I took most of AUgust off-away from the game. ST and I had company almost every week there for awhile so we had to take a lot of ppl sight-seeing and fishing. So I didn't actually get back to Atlantic until about the first week of sept.

  I change to using my miner and running him 24-7. I was wronmg about the ingots..they really never did go up in value as you only need to make daggers to imbue to get to GM. I did however sell almost ALL the ingots I mined and ALL the minable Gems. I had a couple hundred of each gem, and about 2M ingots. I sold all the gems, and ingots for approx 43M gold (not bad considering I was out fishing IRL every day my guy was mining!)

  I also continued running the quester most ever day. When all was said and done I sold all of my HW runics, all my ingots and gems, and netted a total for the shard of 410M gold. I purchased a char X-fer token (18M) bought a few "fun" items for myself, and left 10M behind to "restart". I transfered 350M gold, approx 250 runic saws, and runic fletchers kits all back to sonoma.

  I will be playing Sonoma for awhile gathering resources and stuff for imbuing, but when I next get back to Atl I plan on making a imbuer to 98 skill so that I can unravel everything. I will use my whammy to work the Abyss for ingrediants and unravel items, use the imbuer to unravel everything, then start selling all the ingreediants and residue/essance/relics on my vendor to start my next "Atlantic Fortune".

  I will most likely be awhile before I post again as I will be staying on sonoma for awhile..but will update as soon as I get back!
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Re: New Char, New Shard, an Essay.
« Reply #20 on: October 07, 2009, 08:03:33 PM »
Ah ha!  You're the one stripping all the branches from my magic trees on Sonoma, aren't you!

Glad you're back.  Sonoma can use the people and I can use the company.  You.  Me.  Slasher.  Soon!


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Re: New Char, New Shard, an Essay.
« Reply #21 on: October 08, 2009, 04:45:45 AM »
Great updates, its a real case study in how to crank a ton of gold out and was fun to read.
This coin declares Caesar is "Dictator for Life." He did serve as Dictator for the remainder of his life, but his life would end only a few weeks after this issue. For Caesar to put his image on coins and essentially declare himself king was too much for Brutus and his republican allies.

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Re: New Char, New Shard, an Essay.
« Reply #22 on: October 10, 2009, 02:03:45 PM »
Thanks Paul...but time to start another case study!


  Went back to sonoma with all my stuff, took the time to explore the new lands and build a 120 artificer..but..sonoma is just a bit to slow to make gold. In 6 hours of sitting at the bank, trying to sell relic frags I saw less people then I do if I just go to the bank at Atlantic for 30 seconds. Plus none of my stuff has even sold on a luna vendor yet and I am underpriced compared to in conclusion I think Sonoma is a great place to do things, but not a great place to get am back to Atlantic to start another fortune and see how it goes this time.

  I have made a new char, a Garg. I started him with 50 Imbuing, and 50 Arms lore. I bought up Chiv, tinkering, bowcrafting. Right now I am working tinkering up until I get high enough that I wont fail to make fletching tools. The I will start fletching and work that until I GM it, so that along with a tali will ensure I never fail to make an exceptional bow. As soon as I finish that I will start imbuing. My goal is to GM imbuing (for what I am going to do I see no reason to 120 it) The start making and selling relic frags.
  I have my LJ working non stop chopping, and will keep her doing it for some time as I know I am going to need a ton of reg wood (for fletching) and a ton of Oak (for unraveling)...I restarted on this shard with only 5 Mil..I sold all of my 12th anny gifts for an additional 5 Mil gold. So I am restarting with 10M. My first purchase was for 500K for a soulforge to slap in my house.

  I started this char at 2PM on Oct 8th, so I will post back soon and let you know how he is doing in his training!
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Re: New Char, New Shard, an Essay.
« Reply #23 on: October 10, 2009, 02:06:00 PM »
I wonder how residue is selling. I saw 1000 for 2M at a vendor in TM.  Just an idea...
This coin declares Caesar is "Dictator for Life." He did serve as Dictator for the remainder of his life, but his life would end only a few weeks after this issue. For Caesar to put his image on coins and essentially declare himself king was too much for Brutus and his republican allies.

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Re: New Char, New Shard, an Essay.
« Reply #24 on: October 10, 2009, 03:04:17 PM »
Thanks for posting this TopTwo.  I'm considering the same sort of project, except I expected to start with Magery/Lumberjacking to generate oak, then raise fletching enough to unravel for residue.

Your way might be better.


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Re: New Char, New Shard, an Essay.
« Reply #25 on: October 12, 2009, 12:26:46 AM »
pretty nice sum of money to make from (basically) nothing.  hi5

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Re: New Char, New Shard, an Essay.
« Reply #26 on: October 12, 2009, 03:34:57 AM »
Great read. Very insightful. Will be of help to me as I'm just starting back myself.

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Re: New Char, New Shard, an Essay.
« Reply #27 on: October 12, 2009, 05:03:21 AM »

  GM'd both bowcraft and arms lore yesterday, and started Mass's script running late last night on making residue from oak bows. Today I start imbuing. I believe I am going to do it by hand again UGH!!! since I did not/am not putting blacksmity on this much as it would be wonderful to script imbuing everything I am reading is saying that the imbue script on easyuo is a resource hog..and I dont have that much money to work with here.

  Starting with 50.0 imbue, so will post back later today with a skill update.
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Re: New Char, New Shard, an Essay.
« Reply #28 on: October 22, 2009, 03:19:02 AM »
This is an awesome topic TT!

Since I just returned to UO and have newbie characters and not much gold im going to use some of the info you posted here ;)

Hope you dont mind hehehe

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Re: New Char, New Shard, an Essay.
« Reply #29 on: February 01, 2010, 05:03:56 AM »
Great Read! Still going strong on ATL? This made me want to make a toon over there. After all that would you still start out with a whammy or something else to get going?
