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Messages - Theosibo

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IDOC tools / Re: TrailMyx's Simple Fast House Placer 0.15
« on: July 19, 2009, 10:50:19 AM »
How can i get the script?

I cant see the script please help me i need Fast house placer scripts.

*glances at the Newbie Restricted status of the user*

You might try following the direction in the FAQ of this site.  It's quite helpful for decyphering the code required to download the script. ;)

Give that a go, and see if it helps you out.

General UO Chat / Re: Your UO SA client impressions
« on: July 18, 2009, 05:27:44 PM »
The ONLY reason I even play 2d is because of the scripting capabilities.  I'd much rather do 3d.  But even when I'm playing attended, there are too many scripts that make the game more fun / less annoying to play.  So I can't even play attended on 3d. *shrugs*

General UO Chat / Re: Your UO SA client impressions
« on: July 18, 2009, 01:26:07 PM »
I downloaded this last night.

I really don't have anything positive to say about it.  The download finally finished (slow as my mom writing me checks) at 12:45 am.  I loaded it up and spent the first 15 minutes in the game trying to figure out WTF was different from the KR client.  I honestly couldn't find anything different.  I was horribly disappointed.  The one difference I COULD see, is that the tiles looked WORSE than in the KR client.  At least my boat didn't look like wooden tiles in KR, it sure does in SA.  My poor bear rug in my house looked like a puzzle that was assembled by a 3 year old child.  Terribad we used to say in WoW.

I can only hope there is new content, because as with most of the hardcore UO community, I'll be sticking with the 2d client.  I know this is a rhetorical question, but who is going to play in a client we can't script in??

Scripting Chat / Re: SOS Organization Script?
« on: July 15, 2009, 08:03:37 PM »

That's the one that shows a map and auto boats you to the fish em up site?  I use that, but it's not exactly what I'm looking for.  It is teh awesum, I know.  But I need something that will Take Sos' and toss em in chests 1-8 depending on what section of the world map they are in.

Ah well.  I think I've figured out an idea for my first script EVAR.  My guild is always dropping off sos' in a guild chest at my house.  And I'm sick of dragging them one at a time from the guild chest to my pack, and then from my pack to my chest where I store my sos'.

Simple concept that ought to be accomplishable by a noob scripter?


EDIT: After looking up the EUO thread on KalInEx's sos master.  I kick myself in the ass.  It's a good thing my knee is double jointed cuz I do this a lot.  I see it DOES do exactly what I want it to do.  I'm still going to write a simple script to pick up all sos' in one container and toss em into my pack, and then from my pack into another container.  Dragging and Dropping 50 times is not my idea of fun.

New member introductions / Re: Hello guys
« on: July 15, 2009, 07:56:06 PM »

Do they have handicap parking at these forums?! :)

New member introductions / Re: Hello guys
« on: July 15, 2009, 01:25:45 PM »

35 with 5 kids.  I win at age AND kids.

New member introductions / Re: Hello guys
« on: July 14, 2009, 06:43:34 PM »
Welcome Misnc,

I've never been to Brazil, but I thank GOD every day for the ladies there making the wax jobs popular here in the states!

Smoothies FTW!

Owate.. there are other ladies here, and I'm being completely tasteless.  But I bet TM got my back!

New member introductions / Re: Ni
« on: July 14, 2009, 06:42:04 PM »
Um...what the hell are you doing here??? Go make some cookies!!!!

Wow Toptwo,

Did you log into her client and mark the forum read after you posted this so she wouldn't see it?

Any woman who is a fan of Monty Python is bound to be smarter than that.

Welcome SunTigress!

UO News / Re: [UO Herald News] Emergency Maintenance
« on: July 14, 2009, 06:36:37 PM »

They give us as much information as the free script seeking skrubs that post Hello World intro threads.

Alexandria is looking better EVERY damn day.  And to think I pay $13 / month for a 11 year old MMO?

What am I thinking?

Site News / Re: Follow ScriptUO on Twitter!
« on: July 13, 2009, 10:23:10 AM »
I have never taken the time to learn anything bout RSS or Twitter.  I guess it's time to learn. :/

UO Reference Information / Re: Player Types
« on: July 13, 2009, 07:18:35 AM »
Possibly some sort of txt delimiting formatting?  all you need for the coding is the code in the first set of ' ', amirite?

ScriptUO Questions and Answers / Re: New User Stuff
« on: July 13, 2009, 07:08:46 AM »
I'm new here, and something in this post really stands out to me.  Something that should help all these new member introductions REALLY start to stand out and pop (srsly, stop being lazy and give the Elites some damn info so I don't have to read the posts of them asking for more info.  I read the post on what they wanted in an intro post, you should too. :P)

It was mentioned in this post, that EUO is to notepad as SUO is to MS Word.  I STRONGLY agree with this analogy.

Might I point out, that notepad is a free POS, that can be found (weather you want it or not) on every MS operating system containing PC in the world.  While MS Word will cost you $199 (or the effort of hunting it down on illegitimate websites, downloading, scanning for virus, deleting when it has a virus, hunting down another copy, rinse, repeat).

So to summarize: EUO = FREE POS : SUO = FREE $199 program without hunting, scanning, deleting, rinsing and repeating!

I'm no l33t hacker, coder, programmer, or anything else.  I love to play online games.  But even *I* can see that if we paid TM $1 for every hour he's worked on this program, we'd each owe him thousands of dollars? 

Scripting Chat / SOS Organization Script?
« on: July 11, 2009, 11:47:37 AM »
I beg your forgiveness if I'm posting this question in the wrong place, but it seemed most appropriate when viewing all the different forums.

My question is this: Is there a script out there somewhere that organizes SOS' into packs by area?  I'm almost POSITIVE I've seen this somewhere, but searches net me no results on either this site, nor the hippo site.  I have around 250 sos' and I can't carry them all at once.  I'd love to be able to grab a pack of say.. NW CORNER OF TEH MAP sos' and just fish that area for a few hours.  Then move onto W, then SW, then N, then Central, then South, etc,  etc.


Xbox 360 / Re: Halo 3 and microphone
« on: July 10, 2009, 07:00:34 PM »
Ok, I see my post begging you to buy the PS3 was a lil too late.

And again, I'm LOL-ing at xbox 'tech support' not telling you that the headsets are absolutely worthless without live.

Let me also share something else with you that's going to piss you off cuz I learned it the hard way.

You and your son with both need seperate xbox live accounts if you both want to play online at the same time, and talk to one another thru the headsets.

Now ain't that a bish?!

Hopefully you have all your packaging, and can take the thing back.  Cuz the more I played, the more I regretted not going with the PS3.

Xbox 360 / Re: XBox 360 Info...
« on: July 10, 2009, 06:56:56 PM »
This may or may not help you Cerveza,

I bought a 360 about 3 months ago.  I spent around $1500 for mine (bought rock band and a buncha games, and wireless adapter, etc.)

HOWEVER, I got a nice little bundle deal which may or may not still be available when I got my live card.  I paid $60 for a 13 month live card (year with bonus month) a chatpad, a headset, AND Project Gotham Racing 4.  I got it at GameStop.

Also, the xbox live community is FAR AND AWAY superior to the PS3 online community.  Its SO slick and intuitive, and PS3's just feels junky to me.

So now that I've spoken all the reasons you should cave to your illogical son, let me tell you why you shouldn't.


I kick myself in the ass daily for not going with the PS3 for this single solitary reason.  I was also mad at having to pay the $100 for the wireless internet adapter.  Of course you realize it has an ethernet port on the back, and if you have your xbox close enough to your router you can just run a Cat5 cable, right?

Anyway, hope it helps you make a decision.

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