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Topics - Gman70

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New member introductions / Brand New to Forum, Hello Everyone
« on: November 29, 2023, 08:08:19 AM »
Hello everyone how are you all?? I am a 53 year old graphic artist, I have school, training and multiple decades of experience in graphic arts, tradition arts and 3D Modeling for animation in film and gaming. I took classes and passed in college for java script and C++ but do not speak the language well at all. I am a modeler and concept artist that is retired. I had very bad blood clotting issues while I was interning for BioWare and never got to do my dream of creating awesome designs and help build better worlds for gamers. I had a stroke and stayed in hospitals in the Dallas Area for months and can no longer work. I am willing to learn and help as much as I can in this community. If you need some kick butt graphics done let me know, I am disabled now and have all the time in the world on my hands. For a guy who used to work two full time jobs, go to college and do freelance work on the side; disability is horrible on me. I don't know what to do with my time, hehe.

Anyways, look forward to getting to know you guys and helping ease the pain of to many actions having to be done repetitively that will give you carpel tunnel!! Here is a link to my portfolio , hope ya like some of my work, still think the best is yet to come for artwork.


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