By the way welcome aboard. hehe
Just sharing my annoyance of having all the information not linked together. I sure wish that Ximan and Cheffe could collaboration a bit more closely together. Ximan is an excellent addition. Hopefully Cheffe will realize that.
I'm not on board yet in any event. OpenEUO is broken at the moment; plus I'm still wrestling with the application of such complexity to something that should be so simple. It's like trying to apply a golden rocket-pack to an average turd(UO) to achieve orbit. I'd just rather chuck it by hand to see how far it'll fly (I'll use gloves; don't worry.)
I guess if I was a LUA fanboi, then my tune might be different. The work that Ximan is doing does help us that have NO idea about LUA, so his efforts are appreciated for us fence sitters.