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Bag of Sending
« on: October 20, 2019, 10:32:57 AM »
 I needed a sub to send my gold to the bank,  so without reinventing the wheel, I search and found this from TM;topic=1356.0;last_msg=113594

  The issue I'm having is  part get turn on.  event if   I have selected an items.   
Like this   gosub SendItems POF
Code: [Select]
          if ( #WEIGHT > ( #MAXWEIGHT - 10 ) ) || ( #WEIGHT > 495 )
            display ok You are nearly overweight, but you have no selected$items to send.  Please unload manually.
            set %weightwarn #TRUE
            namespace pop

Event my own small snippet, wont found the gold in my mainpack.   
[code finditem %1 c_ , #backpackid
   if #findkind = -1
   set %GoldID #findid][/code]

 What event weird is that the script that collect gold from the ground have a build in BOS and this one can send gold,  but one I put it with my PvM build,   none of the BOS sub work.     If I start the script overweight it will find the Gold send it but after that it will always return gold not found.   

 Here the lastest sub that I use
Code: [Select]
sub BOSgold
  namespace push
  namespace local BG
 finditem %1 c_ , #backpackid
   if #findkind = -1
   set %GoldID #findid
     finditem CKF c_ , #backpackid
           if #findkind = -1
            event macro 3 0 No BOS
           event property #findid
           sending in #property
           if Sending in #property
              set #lobjectid #findid
              event macro 17 0
               set #ltargetkind 1
               set #ltargetid %GoldID
                event macro 22 0
                wait 21
      ignoreitem #findid
  until sending in #property
 namespace pop

Thx for the help.

Offline freddy

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Re: Bag of Sending
« Reply #1 on: October 20, 2019, 10:06:51 PM »
idk if this is gonna answer your question, but this is how i hande BoS - it's pretty old, but it worked great for me,

Code: [Select]
;=====================================Bag Of Sending===================================================
set %use_bos #true ;set to  #true if you want to use a Bag of Sending
set %refil_bos #true ;set to #true if you want to script to refil your Bag of sending
set %refil_limit 1 ;Amount of charges left before recharging your BoS
;=====================================Skin & Leather===================================================

gosub bagofsending POF_ #findstack ;#findstack can be any variable that reprisents how much of whatever you want to send

sub bagofsending
  set %sendloot %1
  if %1 = pof && %2 < %lim
  set *charge . %bos *charge . %bos + 1
  gosub scan_charges %bos
  set %curcharge #result
  if #result <= %refil_limit
    if %refil_bos = #true
      gosub refill_bos
      set %training_mode #true
  finditem %bos C_ , #backpackid
  if #findkind <> -1
    gosub separate_string %sendloot _
    set %loot_loop 1
    for %i 1 %t_num
      set %loot_search %return . %loot_loop
      finditem %loot_search C_ , #backpackid
      for #findindex 1 #findcnt
        if #findkind <> -1
          wait 15
          set #lobjectid %bos
          event macro 17 0
          target 5s
          wait 10
          set #ltargetid #findid
          event macro 22 0
          set %try4 %try4 +1
          if %try4 > 4
            set %try4 0
      set %loot_loop %loot_loop + 1
    event macro 3 0 Can't Find your BoS. Reverting to Training mode
    set %training_mode #true
  set %chargeused %chargeused + 1
sub set_bos
  finditem CKF C_ , #backpackid
  if #findkind <> -1
    for #findindex 1 #findcnt
      gosub scan_charges #findid
      set %curcharge #result
      if %curcharge >= 1
        set %bos #findid
    Display You do not have a bag of sending in your pack. Set Use_BoS to False and restart
sub scan_charges
  finditem %1 C_ , #backpackid
  set %tempid #findid
  event property #findid
  set %string #property
  str len %string
  set %length #strres
  str pos %string s:
  set %del #strres + 2
  str del %string 1 %del
  set %string #strres
  str len %string
  set %l #strres
  set %movestr %strres - 1
  str pos %string $
  set %del #strres
  str del %string %del %l
return  #strres
sub refill_bos
  finditem EUO C_ , #backpackid
  if #findkind <> -1
    set #lobjectid #findid
    event macro 17 0
    target 5s
    wait 10
    set #ltargetid %bos
    event macro 22 0
    wait 10
    gosub journal2 saturated
    if #result = #true
      event macro 3 0 Your BoS cannot be charged. Reverting to training mode
      set %training_mode #true
      return #false
    event macro 3 0 Can't Find your Powder of Fortification. Reverting to Training mode
    set %training_mode #true
    return #false
sub separate_string
  set %t_num 0
  str Count %1 %2
  for %i 1 #strres
    set %var %2
    str len %1
    set %length #strres
    str pos %1 %var
    set %del #strres - 1
    str left %1 %del %length
    set %return . %i #strres
    set %del1 %del + 1
    str del %1 1 %del1
    set %1 #strres
    set %t_num %t_num + 1

i don't think that snippet would work, but it shows you how to go through the process of using/recharging a BoS and switching to a new one .

I use it mainly in my dex farmer

Code: [Select]
; Script Name: Freddy's Dexxer Farmer
; Author: Freddy
; Version: 1.9.3
; Client Tested with: 7. something
; EUO version tested with: 1.5 (Build 202)
; Shard: OSI
; Revision Date: 5/25/12
; Public Release: 12/31/07
; Subs used:
set %use_new_menu #true
set %cast_ev #false
;---------DO NOT EDIT BELOW UNLESS YOU CHOOSE NOT TO USE THE MENU--------------------------------
;=====================================Mob Setup========================================================
set %training_mode #false ;set to #true if you want to kill without looting & recalling
set %dura_warn 15 ; Durability of a piece of armor before warning
set %dura_scan_timeout 15 ;in minutes
set %remove_armor_on_warn #true ;set to @true if you want the script to unequip armor below dura threshold and place it in your pack,
set %monsterkill af_FE_AE_DE_JB_DJ_OE_RE_BJ_yc_of_mg_pd_hd_fd_ne_i_te_oj_ed_qd_ae_fe_de_sg_NG_IG_YG_XG  ;the item type of the monsters you want to kill.
set %follow_monster #false ;Set to #true if you want to pathfind to the monster.
set %honor_monster #false ; set to false if you don't want to honor the monster.
set %tile_radius 14 ; The max radius to scan for monsters
;=====================================Looting and Banking==============================================
set %loot jjg_  ;the item(s) you want to loot.  Leave blank to not open corpses w/ war cleaver
set %stack_limit 300
set %gold_limit 13000 ;limit of which to send gold.
set %loot_gold #true ;Set to #true if you want to loot gold. set to #false and leave %loot blank if you want to use butcher's war cleaver without opening corpses.
set %bankbox OJAXMTD ;The item id of the container in your bank box to drop gold
set %weight_left_before_deposit 50 ;The amount of weight left on char before loot is deposited in bank or via BoS
;=====================================Bag Of Sending===================================================
set %use_bos #true ;set to  #true if you want to use a Bag of Sending
set %refil_bos #true ;set to #true if you want to script to refil your Bag of sending
set %refil_limit 1 ;Amount of charges left before recharging your BoS
;=====================================Skin & Leather===================================================
set %skin #true ;set to #false if you don't want to skin. Must be set to #true if you want to use the butcher's war cleaver
set %use_war_cleaver #true ; set to #true if you want to use a war cleaver instead of a kinfe and scissors
set %skin_tool YPCSAUD ;if of your skinning tool.
set %weight_before_split 420 ;the total weight in your pack before script splits leather so you can loot it all
;=====================================Healing and Casting==============================================
set %cast_EoO #false ; set to #false if you don't want to cast enemy of one.
set %cast_DF #false ; set to #false if you don't want to cast divine fury.
set %cast_CW #true ; set to #false if you don't want to cast consecrate weapon
set %cast_Con #true ;set to #true to cast confidence
set %cont_hit_lim 95 ;the amount of hits before confidence is casted
set %mana_limit 50 ;If mana is below this, you wont cast spells.
set %r_method c ;Recall method - c = sacred journey
;=====================================Runebook Setup===================================================
set %bankbook ZCAXMTD ;Item id of your bank runebook.
set %dungeonbook KCAXMTD ;Item id of your dungeon runebook.
set %bank_start 1 ;The number where your bank rune starts in your runebook.
set %bank_max 1  ;The number where your bank rune ends in your runebook.
set %dung_start 7 ;8 ;The number where your dungeon rune starts in your runebook.
set %dung_max 9 ;10 ;The number where your dungeon rune ends in your runebook.
;version 1.9.3 5/25/2012
;Menu should display stats in realtime
;Edited the time to wait for a monster to approach you if you select do not move
;version 1.9.2 11/17/2011
;Fixed a bug with using a bag of sending
;Version 1.9.1 11/15/2011
;- Added the option to remove curse
;- Added a dynamic wait time for consecrate weapon that is loosely based on your
;  Karma lvl and chiv skill.
;- Fixed an issue with sending leather to the bank with the new menu update.
;version 1.9 11/14/2011
;- Added a menu to customize variables.
;Version 1.8 10/24/2011
;-Added support for Butcher's War Cleaver.
;  Use: Place war cleaver in main pack and script will find it for you.
;       If you want to just loot leather and not open corpses, set
;       %loot_golddto #false and set %loot to N/A or leave it blank
;-There is now a separate variable for stackable loot. You can set the amount
; of items in the stack before it gets sent to the bank
;Version 1.7 10/21/2011
; Added armor scanning. Will warn if durability of a piece of armor
; is below your set threshold.
;Version 1.6 10/18/2011
; -added a stat tracking menu
;- Adjusted the BoS sub - you can have multiple bags in pack,
;  script will now correctly find BoS.
;version 1.5   10/14/2011
;- Fixed the monster scanner - it now correctly attacks the closest target
;-Added Confidence, user can set when it's cast based on minimum hits specified
;-Split leather - Sometimes when your pack is nearly full, leather is too heavy for the script to loot and cut,
;  so based on specified hard limit, the script will split the looted leather into smaller chuncks so it can be
;  looted and cut correctly.
;-Added a recharge limit so user can specify at what charge to refil their BoS
;-Added a recharge BoS variable. Set to #true if script should recharge it, #false if not.
;-Enemy of One works correctly now
;-Organized the variable setup list so it's easier to set
;-Fixed an error with the sub that sets the itemid of the BoS.
;Version 1.4 10/3/2011
;-Added a variable to allow one to adjust the calculated max weight.
;-Fixed the Recall sub to work with rune 11 and 12 in a runebook.
;Version 1.3 9/15/2011
;-Added a Max Tile radius to scan for monsters
;-Changed script to attack closest monster first
;-Script will pause when character dies. Gargoyles included
;Version 1.2 9/14/2011
;-Added the ability to use bags of sendings.
;Place a BoS and the script will automatically find it. Make sure you have powder of fortification
;If you run out of PoF and charges on your BoS the script will revert to training mode.
;If you decide to use a BoS your character will not recall.
;-Removed old recall subs and replaced them with my own.
;-Removed unnecessary code
;Version 1.1
;-Changed enemy of one and diving fury to cast only when needed.
;-Added honor. If your character is too far away to honor, it will attack it and honor when the mosnter is closer.
;-Fixed the recall issues.
;-Removed a lot of unnecessary code
;Version 1.01
;4/14 Added a Training mode.
;-----------------Don't Edit Below---------------
set %version 1.9.3
if %use_new_menu = #true
  gosub first_menu
if %skin = #true
  if jjg notin %loot
    if %loot = n/a
      set %loot jjg_
      set %loot %loot , _ , jjg , _ ,
if %cast_CW = #true
  gosub set_cw_timer
  set %cw_timer #result
set #lpc 1000
gosub startup
set #lpc 20
if #menubutton = rescan
  gosub scan_armor
  set #menubutton n/a
gosub kill %monsterkill %tile_radius
if %killed = #true
  set *stt tru
if %training_mode <> #true
  gosub loot
  wait 8
  gosub weight_check
set %honored #false
gosub update_men
if #scnt >= %dura_timer
  set %dura_timer %wait_this + #scnt
  gosub scan_armor
if %cast_rc = #true
  gosub cast_rc
goto mloop
sub scan_armor
  set #lpc 1000
  gosub show_men
  finditem * C_ , #charid
  for #findindex 1 #findcnt
    gosub scan_dura #findid
    if #result = #true && !dura_max <> N/A
      event property #findid
      set %temp_sid #property
      str pos %temp_sid $
      set %del #strres - 1
      if %del > 22
        set %del 22
      str left %temp_sid %del
      set %prop #strres
      set %slash /
      menu list add durabox %prop , #spc , !dura_cur , %slash , !dura_max
      if !dura_cur <= %dura_warn
        set %problem %problem + 1
        event macro 3 0 %prop , #spc , !dura_cur , #spc , Durability , #spc , left! , #spc , Please , #spc , Stop , #spc , Script , #spc , And , #spc , Fix , #spc , It!!!
        menu delete durawarn
        menu Font Size 8
        menu Font Style b
        menu Font Color Red
        menu Text durawarn 15 10 ( %problem warnings ) %prop is below dura threshold
        if %remove_armor_on_warn = #true
          wait 10
          exevent drag #findid #findstack
          wait 10
          exevent dropc #backpackid
          wait 10
  set #lpc 20
  set %problem 0
sub scan_dura
  namespace push
  namespace local dura_check
  set !item %1
  set !dura durability
  event property !item
  if !dura in #property
    set !temp_string #property
    str pos !temp_string durability
    set !delete_this #strres + 10
    str del !temp_string 1 !delete_this
    set !temp_string #strres
    str len !temp_string
    set !delete_this #strres - 1
    str left !temp_string !delete_this
    set !temp_string #strres
    wait 1
    str pos !temp_string /
    set !delete_this #strres - 1
    str left !temp_string !delete_this
    set !dura_cur #strres
    wait 1
    str pos !temp_string /
    set !delete_this #strres - 1
    str right !temp_string !delete_this
    set !dura_max #strres
    namespace push
    return #true
return #false
sub loot
  finditem YFM G_2
  if #findkind <> -1
    set %mobs_killed %mobs_killed + 1
    set %corpse #findid
    if %skin = #true  && %training_mode = #false
      if %use_war_cleaver = #true
        set %skin_tool %cleaverid
      set #lobjectid %skin_tool
      event macro 17 0
      set #ltargetid %corpse
      event macro 22 0
      wait 17
    if %loot_gold = #false && %loot = N/A
      ignoreitem %corpse
    set #lobjectid %corpse
    event macro 17 0
    wait 5
    gosub wait_gump container_gump 144_212 3
    if #result = #false
    wait 5
    set %loot_container #contid
    wait 13
    ignoreitem %corpse
  if #findkind = -1
  gosub grab_items
sub grab_items
  if %loot_gold = #true
    wait 4
    finditem POF C_ , %loot_container
    if #findkind <> -1
      exevent drag #findid #findstack
      wait 13
      exevent dropc #backpackid
      wait 13
  finditem * C_ , %loot_container
  for %i 1 #findcnt
    finditem %loot C_ , %loot_container
    if #findkind <> -1
      exevent drag #findid #findstack
      wait 13
      exevent dropc #backpackid
      wait 13
    finditem %stackables C_ , %loot_container
    if #findkind <> -1
      exevent drag #findid #findstack
      wait 13
      exevent dropc #backpackid
      wait 13
  if %skin = #true  && %use_war_cleaver <> #true
    gosub weight_check
    wait 2
    while #true
      finditem EEG C_ , %loot_container
      if #findkind <> -1
        set #lid #findcnt
        if #weight > %weight_before_split
          set %damount #findstack / 2
          if #findstack <= 15
            set %damount #findstack
          set %damount #findstack
        exevent drag #findid %damount
        wait 14
        exevent dropc #backpackid
        wait 15
      if #findkind = -1
      wait 5
      finditem kag C_ , #backpackid
      set #lobjectid #findid
      event macro 17 0
      target   2s
      finditem eeg C_ , #backpackid
      set #ltargetid #findid
      event macro 22 0
      wait 5
      wait 10
sub weight_check
  finditem POF C_ , #backpackid
  for #findindex 1 #findcnt
    if %gold_limit >= 60000
      set %lim 55000
      set %lim %gold_limit
    if #findstack >= %lim
      set %gold_am %gold_am + #findstack
      set *total_gold   *total_gold + #findstack
      if %use_bos = #false
        gosub recall_to_bank
        wait 1s
        gosub deposit_items
        wait 1s
        gosub recall_to_dungeon
        gosub bagofsending POF_ #findstack

  set %current_weight #weight
  set %weight_left %max_weight - %current_weight
  if %weight_left <= %weight_left_before_deposit
    if %skin = #true
      finditem JJG C_ , #backpackid
      set %leatherct %leatherct + #findstack
      set *total_leather *total_leather + #findstack
    if %use_bos = #false
      gosub recall_to_bank
      wait 1s
      gosub deposit_items
      wait 1s
      gosub recall_to_dungeon
      gosub bagofsending %loot
  finditem %stackables C_ , #backpackid
  for #findindex 1 #findcnt

    if #findstack >= %stack_limit
      if %use_bos = #false
        gosub recall_to_bank
        wait 1s
        gosub deposit_items
        wait 1s
        gosub recall_to_dungeon
        gosub bagofsending #findid , _  #findstack
sub set_cleaver
  if %skin = #true && %training_mode = #false
    set %bstring butcher's , #spc , war , #spc , cleaver
    finditem HFR C_ , #backpackid
    if #findkind <> -1
      for #findindex 1 #findcnt
        event property #findid
        if %bstring in #property
          set %cleaverid #findid
      display Can't Find your %bstring
sub deposit_items
  msg bank$
  gosub wait_gump container_gump 180_240 10
  if #result = #false
    set %fail_chance %fail_chance + 1
    if %fail_chance >= 3
      display Can't open bank. Halting
    goto loop
  finditem %bankbox *
  if #findkind <> -1
    finditem POF C_ , #backpackid
    exevent drag #findid #findstack
    wait 12
    exevent dropc %bankbox
    wait 12
    finditem * C_ , #backpackid
    for %i 1 #findcnt
      finditem %loot C_ , #backpackid
      if #findkind <> -1
        exevent drag #findid #findstack
        wait 12
        exevent dropc %bankbox
        wait 12
      ignoreitem #findid
    finditem %stackables C_ , #backpackid
      for #findindex 1 #findcnt
        if #findkind <> -1
          exevent drag #findid #findstack
          wait 12
          exevent dropc %bankbox
          wait 12

sub recall_to_bank
  set %currunebook Bank
  set %trip_to_bank %trip_to_bank  + 1
  set %total_recall %total_recall + 1
  gosub update_men
  gosub recall %bankbook %rune %r_method 3
  if #result <> #true
    if %r_method = c && #result = tithe_fail
      display You are out of tithe pts.
      set %training_mode #true
    wait 20
    set %rune %rune + 1
    if %rune >= %bank_max
      set %rune %bank_start
    goto bloop
sub recall_to_dungeon
  set %rune1 %rune1 + 1
  set %total_recall %total_recall + 1
  set %currunebook Dungeon
  if %rune1 >= %dung_max
    set %rune1 %dung_start
  gosub recall %dungeonbook %rune1 %r_method 3
  if #result <> #true
    wait 20
    set %rune1 %rune1 + 1
    if %rune1 >= %dung_max
      set %rune1 %dung_start
    goto dloop
sub kill
  set %killed #false
  set #lpc 1000
  set %monster %1
  set %distance %2
  set %m_dist 1
  while #true
    if #hits = 0
      event macro 3 0 You Are Dead!
    for %m_dist 0 %distance
      finditem %monster G_ , %m_dist
      if #findkind <> -1
        set %close_mon #findid
        set %start_dist %m_dist
        set %m_dist 0
        set %montimer #scnt + 20
    finditem %close_mon *
    if #findkind <> -1
      set *statcheck #true
      set #lobjectid #findid
      set #ltargetid #findid
        gosub journal2
        if #result = #true
          ignoreitem #findid
        if %honored = #false && %honor_monster = #true
          event macro 49 1
          target 5s
          wait 5
          event macro 22 0
          wait 5
          gosub journal2 _too_far_
          if #result = #true
            event macro 27 0
            goto sloop
          set %honored #true
        if #scnt > %montimer
          finditem %close_mon *
          if #finddist > 5 || #finddist = %start_dist
            ignoreitem %close_mon
        event macro 27 0
        if %cast_ev = #true
          gosub cast_ev
        if %cast_EoO = #true
          gosub cast_eo1 #findrep
        if %cast_con = #true
          gosub cast_con
        if #stamina < %max_stam
          gosub cast_divine
        if %cast_CW = #true
          gosub check_cast
        if %cast_rc = #true
          gosub cast_rc

        gosub check_a #findid
      until #result = #false
      set %killed #true
    if #findkind = -1
sub cast_ev
  if %cast_ev = #true && a notin #charstatus
    if #mana > %mana_limit && %evtimer <= #scnt
      set %mana #mana
      event macro 15 147
      set %evtimer #scnt + 20
      set %cwtimer %cwtimer + 5

sub cast_rc
  if %cast_rc = #true   && a notin #charstatus
    if #maxhits < %start_hit || #maxmana < %start_mana || #maxstam < %start_stam
      set %mana #mana
      event macro 15 209
      event macro 23 0

sub cast_con
  if %cast_con = #true && a notin #charstatus
    if #hits <= %cont_hit_lim && #mana > %mana_limit
      if  %contimer <= #scnt
        set %mana #mana
        event macro 15 146
        set %contimer #scnt + 20
        wait 10
sub cast_eo1
  if %cast_EoO = #true   && a notin #charstatus
    if #findrep <> 5
      if #mana > %mana_limit && %eo1timer <= #scnt && #findrep <> 5
        event macro 15 206
        set %eo1timer #scnt + 5
        wait 17
sub cast_divine
  if %cast_df = #true  && a notin #charstatus
    if #mana > %mana_limit
      event macro 15 205
      wait 10
sub check_cast
  if %cast_CW = #true

    if #mana > %mana_limit
      if  %cwtimer1 <= #scnt
        set %mana #mana
        event macro 15 203
        set %cwtimer1 #scnt + %cw_timer
sub check_a
  set %follow %1
  finditem %follow *
  if #findkind <> -1
    if %follow_monster = #true
      if #finddist > 2
        event pathfind #findx #findy #findz
    return #true
    return #false
return #false
sub fix_maxweight
  if #maxweight > 550
    return 550
    return #maxweight
return #maxweight
sub fcrmenu
  set %prop1 Faster , #spc , Cast , #spc , Recovery
  gosub GetProp %prop1
  set %FCR #result
  set %prop2 Lower , #spc , Mana , #spc , Cost
  gosub GetProp %prop2
  set %Lmc #result
  set %fcr %fcr * 5
  set %wait %fcr
sub findwait
  set %wait1 %scriptwait * 50
  set %fcr1 %fcr * 10
  set %wait2 %wait1 / %fcr1
  set %determinedwait %wait2 + 10
  if %fcr = 0
    set %determinedwait %scriptwait
  wait 2
sub bagofsending
  set %sendloot %1
  if %1 = pof && %2 < %lim
  set *charge . %bos *charge . %bos + 1
  gosub scan_charges %bos
  set %curcharge #result
  if #result <= %refil_limit
    if %refil_bos = #true
      gosub refill_bos
      set %training_mode #true
  finditem %bos C_ , #backpackid
  if #findkind <> -1
    gosub separate_string %sendloot _
    set %loot_loop 1
    for %i 1 %t_num
      set %loot_search %return . %loot_loop
      finditem %loot_search C_ , #backpackid
      for #findindex 1 #findcnt
        if #findkind <> -1
          wait 15
          set #lobjectid %bos
          event macro 17 0
          target 5s
          wait 10
          set #ltargetid #findid
          event macro 22 0
          set %try4 %try4 +1
          if %try4 > 4
            set %try4 0
      set %loot_loop %loot_loop + 1
    event macro 3 0 Can't Find your BoS. Reverting to Training mode
    set %training_mode #true
  set %chargeused %chargeused + 1
sub set_bos
  finditem CKF C_ , #backpackid
  if #findkind <> -1
    for #findindex 1 #findcnt
      gosub scan_charges #findid
      set %curcharge #result
      if %curcharge >= 1
        set %bos #findid
    Display You do not have a bag of sending in your pack. Set Use_BoS to False and restart
sub scan_charges
  finditem %1 C_ , #backpackid
  set %tempid #findid
  event property #findid
  set %string #property
  str len %string
  set %length #strres
  str pos %string s:
  set %del #strres + 2
  str del %string 1 %del
  set %string #strres
  str len %string
  set %l #strres
  set %movestr %strres - 1
  str pos %string $
  set %del #strres
  str del %string %del %l
return  #strres
sub refill_bos
  finditem EUO C_ , #backpackid
  if #findkind <> -1
    set #lobjectid #findid
    event macro 17 0
    target 5s
    wait 10
    set #ltargetid %bos
    event macro 22 0
    wait 10
    gosub journal2 saturated
    if #result = #true
      event macro 3 0 Your BoS cannot be charged. Reverting to training mode
      set %training_mode #true
      return #false
    event macro 3 0 Can't Find your Powder of Fortification. Reverting to Training mode
    set %training_mode #true
    return #false
sub startup
  set %wait_this ( %dura_scan_timeout * 60 )
  set %dura_timer %wait_this + #scnt
  set %message4 Can't_get_there
  set %max_stam #maxstam - 50
  set %cwtimer1 #scnt
  set %contimer #scnt
  set %eo1Timer #scnt
  set %evtimer #scnt
  set %rune %bank_start
  set %honored #false
  set %rune1 %dung_start
  set %beginning #systime
  set %gold_am 0
  set %leatherct 0
  set %mobs_killed 0
  set %curcharge 0
  set %weightleft 0
  set %pot_am 0
  set %chargeused 0
  set %trip_to_bank  0
  set %total_recall  0
  set %currunebook 0
  set #menubutton n/a
  if %use_war_cleaver = #true  && %training_mode = #false
    gosub set_cleaver
  if %use_bos = #true && %training_mode = #false
    gosub set_bos
  gosub fcrmenu
  gosub fix_maxweight
  set %max_weight #result
  gosub weight_check
  finditem yfm G_21
  for %i 1 #findcnt
    finditem yfm G_21
    ignoreitem #findid
  gosub show_men
  gosub update_men
  gosub scan_armor
  if %cast_rc = #true
    set %start_mana #maxmana
    set %start_hit #maxhits
    set %start_stam #maxstam
sub recall
  namespace push
  namespace local recall
  set !runebook %1
  set !position %2
  set !method %3
  set !tries %4
  set !c_tries 1
  if !method = c
    if #tp < 15
      return tithe_fail
  if #weight >= #maxweight
    return weight_fail
  finditem !runebook C_ , #backpackid
  if #findkind <> -1
    set #lobjectid #findid
    event macro 17 0
    gosub wait_gump generic_gump 452_236 3
    gosub find_page !position
    gosub click_button %coord
    set !cur_cpos #charposx , _ , #charposy , _ , #charposz
    set !r_side !position % 2
    if !r_side <> 0 || !position = 1
      set !side L
      set !side R
    if !method = R
      if !side = L
        set !c_loc 140_145
        set !c_loc 300_145
    if !method = C
      if !side = L
        set !c_loc 140_180
        set !c_loc 300_180
    gosub click_button !c_loc
    set %timer1 #scnt + 5
    while #true
      for %u 1 20
        set !n_cur_pos #charposx , _ , #charposy , _ , #charposz
        if !n_cur_pos <> !cur_cpos
          return #true
        gosub journal2 reagent
        if #result = #true
          return reg_fail
        wait 2
      gosub journal2 Something_is_blocking
      if #result = #true && !c_tries <= !tries
        set !c_tries !c_tries + 1
        wait 2s
        goto try_again
      if #result = #true && !c_tries > !tries
        return #false
      if !c_tries >= !tries
        return #false
      if #scnt > %timer1 && !n_cur_pos = !cur_cpos
        set !c_tries !c_tries + 1
        wait 2s
        goto try_again

    return #false
  return #false
sub separate_string
  set %t_num 0
  str Count %1 %2
  for %i 1 #strres
    set %var %2
    str len %1
    set %length #strres
    str pos %1 %var
    set %del #strres - 1
    str left %1 %del %length
    set %return . %i #strres
    set %del1 %del + 1
    str del %1 1 %del1
    set %1 #strres
    set %t_num %t_num + 1
sub click_button
  set !parsestring %1 , _
  gosub separate_string !parsestring _
  set !clickx #contposx + %return1
  set !clicky #contposy + %return2
  click !clickx !clicky
sub find_page
  if %1 <= 2
    set %page 1
    set %coord 140_195
  if %1 <= 4 && %1 > 2
    set %page 2
    set %coord 175_195
  if %1 <= 6 && %1 > 4
    set %page 3
    set %coord 210_195
  if %1 <= 8 && %1 > 6
    set %page 4
    set %coord 245_195
  if %1 <= 10 && %1 > 8
    set %page 5
    set %coord 310_195
  if %1 <= 12 && %1 > 10
    set %page 6
    set %coord 345_195
  if %1 <= 14 && %1 > 12
    set %page 7
    set %coord 380_195
  if %1 <= 16 && %1 > 14
    set %page 8
    set %coord 415_195
return %page
sub wait_gump
  set %timer #scnt + %3
    if #contsize = %2 && #contname = %1
      return #true
  until #scnt >= %timer
return #false
sub journal2
  set %timer #scnt
  While #true
    set %_jindex #jindex
    if #jindex >= %_jindex
      scanjournal %_jindex
      if %1 in #journal
        return #true
      return #false
return ;should never get this far
sub show_men
  menu clear
  menu Window Title Freddy's Farmer
  menu Window Color White
  menu Window Size 392 230
  menu Font Transparent #true
  menu Font Align Right
  menu Shape EUOShape1 0 0 421 257 3 7 1 Black 1 Maroon
  menu Shape EUOShape2 8 8 377 33 3 7 1 Black 7 White
  menu Font Name Segoe UI
  menu Font Size 12
  menu Font Style
  menu Font Color Green
  menu Font Align Left
  menu Font BGColor White
  menu Text EUOLabel1 12 16 Freddy's Farmer
  menu Shape EUOShape3 8 40 377 185 3 7 1 Black 7 Green
  menu Shape EUOShape4 16 44 361 173 3 7 1 Black 7 White
  menu Font Name MS Sans Serif
  menu Font Size 8
  menu Text EUOLabel4 324 24 Version %version
  menu Font Size 12
  menu Font Color WindowText
  menu Text EUOLabel2 20 52 Gold:
  menu Text EUOLabel3 20 72 Leather:
  menu Text EUOLabel5 20 92 Mobs Killed:
  menu Text EUOLabel8 20 192 Total Time:
  menu Text EUOLabel9 20 172 Weight Left:
  if %use_bos = #True
    menu Text EUOLabel6 20 112 Charges left:
    menu Text EUOLabel7 20 152 PoT Left:
    menu Text EUOLabel10 20 132 Charges Used:
    menu Font Style b
    menu Font Color Green
    menu Text chargeused 131 132 %chargeused
    menu Text potamt 88 152 %pot_am
    menu Text curcharge 120 112 %CURCHARGE
    menu Text EUOLabel6 20 112 Trips to Bank:
    menu Text EUOLabel7 20 152 Runebook:
    menu Text EUOLabel10 20 132 Total Recalls:
    menu Font Style b
    menu Font Color Green
    menu Text curcharge 120 112  %trip_to_bank
    menu Text chargeused 120 132 %total_recall
    menu Text potamt 96 152 %currunebook
  menu Font Style b
  menu Font Color Green
  menu Text goldamount 60 52 %GOLD_AM
  menu Text leathercount 84 72 %leatherct
  menu Text mobs_kill 108 92 %MOBS_KILLED
  menu Text weightleft 108 172 %weight_left
  menu Text outtime 100 192 %outtime
  menu Font Size 8
  menu Font Style
  menu Font Color WindowText
  menu Font BGColor Window
  menu List Create DuraBox 180 52 189 137
  menu Font Size 8
  menu Font Style
  menu Font Color WindowText
  menu Font BGColor BtnFace
  menu Button rescan 196 192 125 21 Rescan
  menu Show
sub update_men
  set #lpc 1000
  gosub time
  menu Font Size 12
  menu Font Style b
  menu Font Color Green
  menu delete outtime
  menu Text outtime 100 192 %outtime
  menu delete goldamount
  set %c_gold_am %GOLD_AM + #gold
  menu Text goldamount 60 52 %c_gold_am
  menu delete leathercount
  if %skin = #false
    set %leatherct not , #spc , selected
  finditem JJG C_ , #backpackid
set %nc #findstack + %leatherct
menu Text leathercount 84 72 %nc
  menu delete mobs_kill
  menu Text mobs_kill 108 92 %MOBS_KILLED
  menu delete weightleft
  menu Text weightleft 108 172 %weight_left
  if %use_bos = #True
    gosub scan_charges %bos
    set %curcharge #result
    menu delete curcharge
    menu Text curcharge 120 112 %CURCHARGE
    finditem EUO C_ , #backpackid
    if #findkind <> -1
      set %pot_am #findstack
      set %pot_am 0
    menu delete potamt
    menu Text potamt 88 152 %pot_am
    set #lpc 20
    menu delete chargeused
    menu Text chargeused 131 132 %chargeused
    menu delete chargetotal
    menu Text chargetotal 131 152 t: *charge . %bos
    menu delete curcharge
    menu Text curcharge 120 112  %trip_to_bank
    menu delete chargeused
    menu Text chargeused 120 132 %total_recall
    menu delete potamt
    menu Text potamt 100 152 %currunebook
sub time
  set %time #systime - %beginning
  gosub timeformat
; Script Name: Lion's Timer Formatting Subs
; Author: Lion
; Version: 1.1
; Client Tested with: 4.0.0p/q
; EUO version tested with: 1.41 build 0075
; Shard OSI / FS: Any
; Revision Date: 5th March 2004
; Public Release: 4th March 2003
; Purpose: Time in ms to standard MM:DD:HH:MM:SS
;Simple (hours:mins:secs)
sub timeformat
  str len %time
  set %timelenght  #strres - 3
  str left %time %timelenght
  set %t1 #strres / 3600
  set %t2 #strres % 3600 / 60
  set %t3 #strres % 3600 % 60
  set %outtime %t1
  for %i 2 3
    str len %t . %i
    if #strres = 1
      set %outtime %outtime , : , 0 , %t . %i
      set *time  %outtime , : , %t . %i
    if #strres <> 1
      set *time  %outtime , : , %t . %i
      set %outtime %outtime , : , %t . %i
sub first_menu
  set #lpc 1000
  menu Clear
  menu Window Title Freddy's Farmer
  menu Window Color White
  menu Window Size 574 539
  menu Font Transparent #true
  menu Font Align Right
  menu Shape EUOShape1 0 0 573 617 3 7 1 Black 1 Maroon
  menu Shape EUOShape2 8 8 557 33 3 7 1 Black 7 White
  menu Font Name Segoe UI
  menu Font Size 12
  menu Font Style
  menu Font Color Green
  menu Font Align Left
  menu Font BGColor White
  menu Text EUOLabel1 12 16 Freddy's Farmer
  menu Shape EUOShape3 8 40 557 491 3 7 1 Black 7 Green
  menu Shape EUOShape4 16 48 538 474 3 7 1 Black 7 White
  menu Font Name MS Sans Serif
  menu Font Size 8
  menu Text EUOLabel4 492 24 Version %version
  menu Shape EUOShape5 24 72 341 109 3 7 1 Black 7 White
  menu Font Size 10
  menu Font Style b
  menu Font Color WindowText
  menu Font Transparent #false
  menu Text EUOLabel2 24 52 Monster Setup
  menu Font Style
  menu Text EUOLabel3 28 76 Kill List:
  menu Font Size 8
  menu Text EUOLabel5 192 104 Tile Radius
  menu Font Size 10
  menu Font Style b
  menu Text EUOLabel6 24 188 Armor Setup
  menu Shape EUOShape6 24 208 165 97 3 7 1 Black 7 White
  menu Shape EUOShape7 200 208 165 97 3 7 1 Black 7 White
  menu Text EUOLabel7 200 188 Bag of Sending
  menu Font Size 8
  menu Font Style
  menu Text EUOLabel8 28 216 Low Durability warning:
  menu Text EUOLabel9 28 240 Durability Scan timeout:
  menu Text EUOLabel10 208 264 Charge to refill
  menu Font Size 10
  menu Font Style b
  menu Text EUOLabel11 24 312 Loot Setup
  menu Shape EUOShape8 24 332 341 181 3 7 1 Black 7 White
  menu Font Size 8
  menu Font Style
  menu Text EUOLabel12 32 340 Loot List
  menu Text EUOLabel13 32 364 Stack List
  menu Text EUOLabel14 32 388 Stack Limit:
  menu Text EUOLabel15 168 408 Gold Limit:
  menu Text EUOLabel16 32 460 Skin Tool (if War cleaver not selected)
  menu Text EUOLabel17 32 484 Bank Container ID (if BoS not chosen)
  menu Shape EUOShape9 376 72 169 157 3 7 1 Black 7 White
  menu Font Size 10
  menu Font Style b
  menu Text EUOLabel18 376 52 Casting Setup:
  menu Font Size 8
  menu Font Style
  menu Text EUOLabel20 380 200 Conf HP:
  menu Font Size 10
  menu Font Style b
  menu Text EUOLabel21 376 240 Runebook Setup:
  menu Shape EUOShape10 376 256 169 161 3 7 1 Black 7 White
  menu Font Size 8
  menu Font Style
  menu Text EUOLabel22 380 260 Bankbook:
  menu Text EUOLabel23 384 304 Start:
  menu Text EUOLabel24 464 304 End:
  menu Text EUOLabel25 384 328 Dungeon Book:
  menu Text EUOLabel26 384 368 Start:
  menu Text EUOLabel27 468 368 End:
  menu Text EUOLabel28 384 392 Method:
  menu Font BGColor Window
  menu Edit killbox 76 76 233 *fred_kill_list
  menu Font BGColor White
  if *follow_tick = #true
    menu Check follow_monster 28 100 113 25 #true Follow Monster
    menu Check follow_monster 28 100 113 25 #false Follow Monster
  if *training_tick = #true
    menu Check training_mode 28 152 169 25 #true Training Mode (Does not loot)
    menu Check training_mode 28 152 169 25 #false Training Mode (Does not loot)
  menu Font BGColor Window
  menu Combo Create radiusbox 252 100 105
  for %i 1 16
    menu combo add radiusbox %i
  menu combo select radiusbox *radius_tick
  menu Font BGColor White
  if *honor_tick = #true
    menu Check honor_monster 28 124 105 25 #true Honor Monster
    menu Check honor_monster 28 124 105 25 #false Honor Monster
  menu Font Color White
  menu Font BGColor Green
  menu Button killbutton 312 76 49 21 Target
  menu Font Color WindowText
  menu Font BGColor Window
  menu Edit durabox 144 212 41 *fred_low_dura
  menu Edit dura_timeout 144 236 41 *fred_dura_timeout
  menu Font BGColor White
  if *removedura_tick = #true
    menu Check remove_armor 28 260 141 41 #true Remove armor on low durability warning
    menu Check remove_armor 28 260 141 41 #false Remove armor on low durability warning
  if *usebos_tick = #true
    menu Check use_bos 204 216 125 21 #true Use Bag of Sending
    menu Check use_bos 204 216 125 21 #false Use Bag of Sending
  if *refilbos_tick = #true

Offline Gaderian

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Re: Bag of Sending
« Reply #2 on: October 22, 2019, 11:30:10 AM »
The Ghost,
Your description sounds like you only run the code at start up. Are you including this check in a cycle?

For instance a menu with buttons, we have a loop that checks menu button variable and if it is set, then it will take action. Do you have a gosub to your routine where you pass POF every cycle (or possibly a timer based cycle)?

Notice in Freddy’s code he has a label Mloop and a bunch of tests before the go to back to that label.
He uses a test on %training_mde <> #true where he gosub to his weight check.
In the weight check he calls his bow logic routine.

Are you doing something structurally similar?
« Last Edit: October 22, 2019, 11:38:04 AM by Gaderian »
"Go ahead ask me: 'Should I use hard waits or timers?'"
You say:"Should I"
You Say:"use hard waits or timers?"

The serious side of timer use is illustrated here:

However, every time I go back and look at this [AutoLooter] script, I realize I had wrote it in my zen state of EUO scripting - so it makes my brain hurt.

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Re: Bag of Sending
« Reply #3 on: October 22, 2019, 01:51:42 PM »
I have this
if %lootBOS = #true
           if #weight => %sendweight
          sub bagofsending
I try 8 different sub and none are able to detect the gold in my pack.   I'm trying to figure what I did to hide that gold :(

Offline Gaderian

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Re: Bag of Sending
« Reply #4 on: October 23, 2019, 08:18:01 AM »
"Go ahead ask me: 'Should I use hard waits or timers?'"
You say:"Should I"
You Say:"use hard waits or timers?"

The serious side of timer use is illustrated here:

However, every time I go back and look at this [AutoLooter] script, I realize I had wrote it in my zen state of EUO scripting - so it makes my brain hurt.

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Re: Bag of Sending
« Reply #5 on: October 23, 2019, 10:01:16 AM »
I have this
if %lootBOS = #true
           if #weight => %sendweight
          sub bagofsending
I try 8 different sub and none are able to detect the gold in my pack.   I'm trying to figure what I did to hide that gold :(

Shouldnt that be   Gosub Bagofsending   ???  I presuming that was a typo and not your actual  issue...  Post more code its going to be a silly error...
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Re: Bag of Sending
« Reply #6 on: October 23, 2019, 05:17:11 PM »
Like EN mention, it was a silly error. 

My Looting sub have  ignoreitem #FINDID inside, what was hiding the gold too.    In the BOS sub, I add a ignoreitem reset POF  Voila it work. 
Code: [Select]
event property #FINDID
       if coin in #PROPERTY 3
           exevent drag #FINDID #FINDSTACK
           exevent dropc #BACKPACKID
            wait 15
if speed , #spc , increase , #spc , 10 in #PROPERTY && ring in #PROPERTY || speed , #spc , increase , #spc , 10 in #PROPERTY && bracelet in #PROPERTY || Animated in #PROPERTY || luck , #spc , 150 in #PROPERTY || arcane in #PROPERTY || Gift in #PROPERTY || Immolating in #PROPERTY || attunement in #PROPERTY || thunderstorm in #PROPERTY || fury in #PROPERTY || form in #PROPERTY || wildfire in #PROPERTY || essence in #PROPERTY || allure in #PROPERTY || voyage in #PROPERTY || death in #PROPERTY
             exevent drag #FINDID #FINDSTACK
                if %lootContainerDrop = N/A
                   exevent dropc #BACKPACKID
                    exevent dropc %lootContainerDrop
              wait 30
        ignoreitem #FINDID
Trying to use my own looting sub, when it only for small items, so I don't need to create huge rule

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Re: Bag of Sending
« Reply #7 on: October 23, 2019, 06:08:41 PM »
I didn't fix it.  Still wont send the gold after it start looting :(

Thinking cap is back on.

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Re: Bag of Sending
« Reply #8 on: October 25, 2019, 06:38:32 AM »
I generally never use ignoreitem it can cause all sorts of unintended knock on effects.  The one time i used it in character toolbox and forgot about it, 3+ years later it caused an unintended effect (recently)

We can help if you post your code so we can look at it more closely... 

So can also add random check to see where the problem is  by adding a gosub checkforgold  in places until you find out where it no longer finds the gold.  If you have your statusbar open it sets #gold

Code: [Select]
sub checkforgold
   finditem pof C_ , #backpackid    ; pof is gold right ?
   display ok  FindGold: , #spc , #Findstack , #spc , StatusGold: , #spc , #Gold
« Last Edit: October 25, 2019, 08:21:01 AM by Endless Night »
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Re: Bag of Sending
« Reply #9 on: October 25, 2019, 06:04:00 PM »
I figure  the missing I was making. 

I have my find gold and find items in the same loop.   So now that I pick up the gold before entering the loop, my gold don't get ignore anymore. 

Code: [Select]
; ============================ Looting ===============
sub TG_Looting
finditem YFM G_2
  if #FINDCNT > 0
      set %lootmob #FINDID
      set #LOBJECTID %lootmob
      event macro 17 0
      wait 20
      ignoreitem %lootmob

     if #contsize = 144_212
        set %lootContainer #contId
  if #findkind = -1
; -----------------

    finditem POF C_ , %lootcontainer
    if #findkind <> -1
      exevent drag #findid #findstack
      wait 15
      exevent dropc #backpackid
      wait 15

finditem * C_ , %lootContainer
  for #findindex 1 #findcnt
     if #menuButton <> n/a  2
         gosub #menubutton
       event property #FINDID
        if speed , #spc , increase , #spc , 10 in #PROPERTY && ring in #PROPERTY || speed , #spc , increase , #spc , 10 in #PROPERTY && bracelet in #PROPERTY || Animated in #PROPERTY || luck , #spc , 150 in #PROPERTY || arcane in #PROPERTY || Gift in #PROPERTY || Immolating in #PROPERTY || attunement in #PROPERTY || thunderstorm in #PROPERTY || fury in #PROPERTY || form in #PROPERTY || wildfire in #PROPERTY || essence in #PROPERTY || allure in #PROPERTY || voyage in #PROPERTY || death in #PROPERTY
             exevent drag #FINDID #FINDSTACK
                if %lootContainerDrop = N/A
                   exevent dropc #BACKPACKID
                    exevent dropc %lootContainerDrop
        ignoreitem #FINDID


Also  what the difference between  those
Code: [Select]
finditem * C_ , %lootContainer
  for #findindex 1 #findcnt


finditem * C_ , %lootContainer
  for %1 1 #findcnt

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Re: Bag of Sending
« Reply #10 on: October 25, 2019, 10:58:53 PM »
The code you want uses the #findindex, because it updates all the the #find... variables on each iteration through the loop. So #findx/#findy/#findid/#findcol/#findmod all get updated.

Using a variable other than #findindex will not update the #find... variables. %1 will hold the values of 1, 2, 3, ... up to #findcnt. None of the #find... variables will change until either you use the #findindex loop or issue a new finditem statement.

"Go ahead ask me: 'Should I use hard waits or timers?'"
You say:"Should I"
You Say:"use hard waits or timers?"

The serious side of timer use is illustrated here:

However, every time I go back and look at this [AutoLooter] script, I realize I had wrote it in my zen state of EUO scripting - so it makes my brain hurt.
